
Sponsors & their projects

Many university projects can only be realized with the help of our sponsors. These include one-off events, long-standing concert series and design projects. We would like to thank our sponsors for their commitment

Logo Alfried Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach Foundation

As a sponsor of culture and science, the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation is involved in selected areas where it can have a lasting impact. Without the particularly generous support of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation, it would not have been possible to realize the project


On the opening of the Folkwang Library on the Essen-Werden campus


Folkwang Relief Fund, sponsored by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation

Logo Deichmann

Since 2011, the Folkwang University of the Arts has organized four examination concerts with the kind support of Deichmann SE. these are symphony concerts in which final university examinations, e.g. for concert examinations and conducting, are held.

The symphony concerts usually take place in the Neue Aula | Campus Werden.


High Potential Classix October 2019

Logo kulturstiftung essen

Thanks to the Essen Cultural Foundation, we can keep an eye on special projects in the long term and implement them.


An education LAB of the Folkwang University of the Arts in cooperation with the Philharmonie Essen

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Symposium „Folkwang Tanz“ setzt sich mit dem Erbe von Kurt Jooss bis Pina Bausch auseinander

Mit dem Symposium „Folkwang Tanz“ vom 13. bis 15. Oktober 2017 am Campus Essen-Werden der Folkwang Universität der Künste wird die Frage nach der Relevanz des Erbes von Kurt Jooss bis Pina Bausch erstmals öffentlich gestellt. Das Symposium ist Festakt, Werkschau und kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Phänomen „Folkwang Tanz“ zugleich.

Logo Sparkasse Essen

For many years, Sparkasse Essen has been involved with the Folkwang University of the Arts in a variety of ways. In addition to the Deutschlandstipendium, selected events and projects are supported.


30 years of Folkwang Jazz

Logo Sparkasse Duisburg

Since 2003, Folkwang students and teachers have alternated with external guests and Folkwang alumni in the Sparkasse series "Great Piano Music" and "Forum for Young Pianists". The opening concert of the "Great Piano Music" series takes place at the beginning of each winter semester at the Sparkasse Duisburg. We invite you to all further events in the small concert hall on the Duisburg campus.

Start of the 2018|19 season for the "Great Piano Music _ Sparkasse Concerts organized by the Folkwang University of the Arts "


Logo Stauder

The private brewery Jacob Stauder GmbH & Co. KG has accompanied us for many years at countless events and provides for the physical well-being of our guests.


Folkwang "Quartier Nord" officially opened
The Department of Design at the Folkwang University of the Arts has moved into its new home on the Zollverein World Heritage Site campus

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Erfolgreicher Auftakt von „Folkwang ist…“
Kampagnenstart anlässlich des 90-jährigen Bestehens der Folkwang Universität der Künste in 2017 Mit großer Beteiligung von Gästen aus Politik, Kultur und Wirtschaft sowie allen Folkwang Disziplinen ist am Dienstag, 14. Februar die Kampagne „Folkwang ist…“ gestartet.




„Sichtwerk 2013“ vom 12. bis 14. Juli

Folkwang GestalterInnen zeigen ihre Arbeiten aus Fotografie, Kommunikationsdesign und Industrial Design am Standort Zollverein und im U-Bahnhof Rathausplatz


Logo Mercator Foundation

The Mercator Foundation stands for education and equal opportunities. Science, research and cultural exchange are promoted in the interests of all. In order to achieve these goals, impulses for shaping the future are set together with partners. The Folkwang University of the Arts was a partner of Stiftung Mercator with the exhibition project "Basic Law in Stormy Times".

"Basic law in turbulent times": Folkwang photography students deal with the constitution

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