Elementary school teacher training students take a didactic look at musical works performed by professional musicians in concerts for school classes. School music lessons and the experience of attending a concert are closely linked as part of this cooperation between the Folkwang elementary school music teaching degree program and the Munich Radio Orchestra.
Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Julia Lutz, students develop ideas on how musical works can be addressed in music lessons in a variety of ways. These ideas are tailored to individual concerts in the Munich Radio Orchestra's "Klassik zum Staunen" series and are presented by the students together with Peter Schlier (deputy principal double bass and Folkwang alumnus) as part of teacher training courses. Through this offer, primary school teachers are supported in preparing their classes for a concert visit and enabling the children to experience music in all its different facets.
The students deal with selected excerpts of works as works of art and as teaching content and gain an insight into the concert pedagogy offered by a renowned orchestra.