
Enrolment, Re-enrolment, Semester contribution & Leave of absence

You want to enrol (or remain enroled) at Folkwang – i.e., re-enrol after a semester? Here you will find all the information you need to know about enrolment, re-enrolment as well as the semester contribution, which you have to pay to our account in both cases in order to receive your semester ticket. Here you will also find all the information relating to a leave of absence from studies (semester on leave).

Enrolment (immatriculation)

Following a successful application to study at the Folkwang University of the Arts, the last stage in the process is your enrolment. Enrolment takes place in person at the end of September for a course beginning in October and at the end of March for a course beginning in April. Please refer to your letter of admission for the exact time period and information on the procedure.

Erforderliche Unterlagen zur Einschreibung

Mit Ihrem Zulassungsbescheid wird Ihnen mitgeteilt, welche Unterlagen Sie zur Einschreibung an Folkwang benötigen. Grundsätzlich müssen folgende Unterlagen zur Einschreibung eingereicht werden, soweit Sie diese nicht schon mit Ihrer Bewerbung eingereicht haben:


_ausgefüllter Antrag auf Einschreibung (das entsprechende Formular haben Sie mit Ihrem Zulassungsbescheid erhalten)


_Ausweisdokument (z.B. Personalausweis oder Reisepass)


_Nachweis über die Zahlung des Semesterbeitrags


_Nachweis einer Krankenversicherung ODER der Befreiung von der Krankenversicherungspflicht (diese Information wird auf Ihren Antrag direkt von der gesetzlichen Krankenkasse an die Folkwang Universität übermittelt, s.u.)


_Nachweis über die allgemeine Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (z.B. das Abitur) bzw. den höchsten Schulabschluss (bei ausländischen Zeugnissen unbedingt eine beglaubigte deutsche oder englische Übersetzung)


_ggf. Sprachnachweis für die in Ihrem Studiengang erforderlichen Deutschkenntnisse (nur erforderlich, wenn Sie Ihre Hochschulzugangsberechtigung nicht in Deutschland erworben haben) 


_Für die Einschreibung in einen Masterstudiengang zusätzlich: Nachweis des für den Zugang zu diesem Studiengang qualifizierenden (z.B. Bachelor-) Hochschulabschlusses (bei „Zulassung zum Masterstudium unter Vorbehalt“ können Sie diesen nachreichen – bitte prüfen Sie Ihren Zulassungsbescheid, ob dieser Vorbehalt für Sie gilt!)


_ggf. Exmatrikulationsbescheinigung Ihrer vorherigen Hochschule

Studienbescheinigung und Semesterticket

Im Anschluss an die Einschreibung erhalten Sie Ihre Zugangsdaten für das Online-Vorlesungsverzeichnis  Folkwang Organizer. Über den Organizer können Sie auch sofort Ihre Studien-/ Immatrikulationsbescheinigung ausdrucken. Auch Ihr Semesterticket zur kostenfreien Nutzung des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs und Ihre Folkwang-E-Mail-Adresse stehen Ihnen im Anschluss an die Einschreibung zur Verfügung.

Einschreibung in ein höheres Fachsemester & Anerkennung von Prüfungsleistungen

Erst nach der Einschreibung können Sie einen Antrag auf Anerkennung von Prüfungsleistungen beim jeweiligen Prüfungsausschuss stellen. Auch eine Einstufung in ein höheres Fachsemester kann erst nach der Einschreibung und nur über einen Antrag auf Anerkennung erfolgen. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auf der Webseite zur Anerkennung von Prüfungsleistungen.


Bitte beachten Sie zudem, dass der im Studienverlaufsplan vorgesehene Anspruch auf Hauptfachunterricht im künstlerischen Haupt- und Nebenfach entsprechend reduziert wird, wenn Sie bereits in einem Studiengang mit dem gleichen künstlerischen Haupt- und Nebenfach bzw. Instrument/en studiert haben. 

Health Insurance 

Students at German universities are generally required to have health insurance during their studies. In order to complete enrolment, you need to make sure that your insurance status is digitally transmitted to Folkwang University of the Arts by a statutory health insurance company. 

It is therefore important that you contact the relevant public health insurance company as soon as possible after receiving your letter of admission. Be sure to mention the Folkwang University sender number (H0001139).

Public health insurance

Students with public health insurance apply to their health insurance company for digital transmission of their insurance status to the university via "Meldung 10". 


Be sure to mention the Folkwang University sender number (H0001139).

Private health insurance

Students who are insured with a private health insurance company and wish to remain so until the end of their studies must apply for exemption from compulsory student health insurance. An exemption from compulsory insurance is irrevocable for the entire duration of your studies.


To be exempted from compulsory insurance, you need to provide proof of your private health insurance to any German public health insurance company. The insurance company must then notify Folkwang University of your insurance status via "Meldung 10". 


Be sure to mention the Folkwang University sender number (H0001139).

International students insured in a European country

Students who are insured in other European countries (EHIC /GHIC /AT 11) can also contact a German public health insurance company and request that they notify Folkwang University of the students’ health insurance status.


When doing so, please be sure to state the Folkwang University sender number (H0001139).

Students at or over the age of 30

Once you reach the age of 30, compulsory insurance for students no longer applies. In this case, no proof of insurance status needs to be submitted or sent to Folkwang University for enrolment.

Doctoral students, junior students, visiting and guest students

Doctoral students, junior students and guest auditors are not required to prove their insurance status to the university. The same applies to students who are taking classes at Folkwang while primarily enrolled at a different university (Zweithörer*innen).

Important: Re-enrolment for the following semester is temporarily suspended if you are not up to date on your health insurance payments. Once the outstanding payments have been made, the suspension is removed and re-enrolment for the next semester is possible.

Re-enrolment & Semester contribution

In order for you to remain enroled, you must re-enrol at Folkwang every semester!

Complying with the re-enrolment deadlines

To comply with the deadline, the semester contribution must have been received by the university (i.e. credited to its account) within the following periods:

_for summer semester: January 15 – March 15

_for winter semester: June 15 – September 15

319.40 Euro semester fee in summer semester 2025: Composition

For this purpose, please transfer the semester contribution applicable to you to the account specified below:

Summer semester 2025

Enrolment at the Folkwang University of the Arts for the summer semester 2025 will be charged as follows:


Total: 319,40 €


_AStA: 23,00 €

_Student Union: 120,00 €

_Deutschlandticket: 176,40 €

The semester fee consists of the social contribution for the Folkwang AStA and the respective student union (Essen-Duisburg or AKAFÖ for Bochum) as well as the Deutschlandticket.


Notice for cross-registered students:

Students in a joint study course, that are enrolled at another university as primary student, do not have to pay the semester contribution at Folkwang. Students that are enrolled as a primary student a another university and are not in a joint study course of this university and the Folkwang University of the Arts, have to pay the AStA contribution at Folkwang. All cross-registered students have to additionally present a certificate of enrolment of the primary university for the respective semester for re-enrolment.


Starting in the summer semester 2024, the digital Deutschlandtsemestericket will replace the previous semester ticket at Folkwang. The Deutschlandticket is both cheaper and valid throughout Germany on local public transport. Please note that, unlike the previous semester ticket, it does not allow you to bring a bicycle or an additional passenger with you.


You will find more information on downloading the Deutschlandticket here after the end of the re-enrolment period.

Bank details

Please transfer the semester contribution in good time before enrolment (or re-enrolment) to the following account:

Account Information:

Account Holder: Landeshauptkasse NRW
Institute: HELABA Duesseldorf
IBAN: DE20300500000004012217
Reason for Payment: 95000004461/‘Student's name’/‘Matriculation No.’

Address of the account holder (recipient):
Landeshauptkasse NRW, Erkrather Str. 339, 40231 Duesseldorf

Address of the institute (Bank):
HELABA Duesseldorf, Uerdinger Str. 88, 40474 Duesseldorf


Please replace ‘Matriculation No.’ with your personal matriculation number and ‘Student’s name’ with your full name. Please make sure to fill in the purpose of payment as shown so that the payment can be allocated correctly.

Newly admitted students who are transferring the semester contribution for the first time and do not have a matriculation number yet should instead enter their full name and study course in the reference field.

Leave of absence from studies (semester on leave)

In accordance with § 8 Enrolment Regulations, you can interrupt your studies by a leave of absence. Leave of absence is possible if there is an important reason for the interruption of the studies. You apply for a leave of absence using the „Application form for leave of absence“ in your faculty or if you are enrolled in "M.A. Professional Media Creation" in the ICEM.
The application form for leave of absence is only available in the German language.

Please note these important points when applying for leave of absence:

Application deadline, duration and end of leave of absence

In principle, the application for leave of absence should be made during the re-enrolment period. On request, a re-enrolment can be changed to a leave of absence until the start of lectures. For specific reasons, leave of absence is also still possible during the lecture period for the current semester. In these cases, the semester contribution will not be refunded. Exception: as far as possible, leaves of absence in Faculties 1 and 2 should be applied before the end of the lecture period of the previous semester – provided that the important reason already exists at that time.

Your leave of absence is always for one semester. On application, leave of absence can be extended for one additional semester at a time, provided there is an important reason for doing so. A retroactive leave of absence is not possible. Leave of absence for the first study semester is only possible in exceptional duly justified cases (refer to § 8 Enrolment Regulations).

Following the leave of absence, re-enrolment during the re-enrolment period is necessary.


Leave of absence is only possible if there is an important reason for it. Verification of the good reason must be provided by relevant evidence (§ 8 Enrolment Regulations).

The following verifications are acceptable: a medical certificate, an expert opinion, the letter of commitment from the host institution abroad or other verifications substantiating the important reason for leave of absence, such as contracts or other relevant evidence.

Leave of absence due to pregnancy: The confirmation of receipt of the pregnancy notification must be enclosed in the application to the university as verification. You will receive advice from the Central Student Advisory Service

Leave of absence for the care and upbringing of children: as verification, you must submit the birth certificate of your child and – if applicable – a current registration certificate from the Bürgeramt (Citizens' Registration Office) stating that you and your child are registered at an address. Other relevant verifications are also possible.

Leave of absence to care for relatives: the report issued by the Medical Service of the Health Insurance Funds (MDK) or the placement decision in relation to the level of care (care decision) is suitable as verification. Other relevant verifications are also possible.

Examination performances / Credit points

No examination performances can be rendered or credit points acquired during absence of leave. Exception: this does not apply to the resitting of failed examinations or to persons, who have been granted absence of leave due to the upbringing of children or providing care to a relative. In a study abroad, it is possible for examinations to be sat during the leave of absence. On request, these examination performances can be recognised by Folkwang after returning.


If at all possible, recipients of BAföG (state student financial assistance) should consult their BAföG Office before making an application. During a leave of absence, you do not generally receive BAföG!
In the event of leave of absence due to chronic illness or impairment, you can make use of the advice provided by the Officer for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses.

You will receive general advice on leave of absence from the Central Student Advisory Service

Social contribution, mobility contribution (Deutschlandticket), AStA (General Student Committee) contribution

During your leave of absence, you are exempted from the social contribution and the mobility contribution – this means that you do not have do not have a Deutschlandticket. If you need a Deutschlandticket during your leave of absence, please make a separate application to AStA. You can find the application for the Ticket in the semester leave of absence on the

Folkwang Intranet, under "Gremienangelegenheiten/AStA". Please use your Folkwang ID to log in. Exemption from the AStA contribution during your leave of absence is not possible. The deadline for the summer semester is 15 March and for the winter semester 15 September.
The compulsory student health insurance remains in force during your leave absence.

Cooperation study courses

Students in all cooperation study courses must also additionally apply for leave of absence from the cooperating university within the re-enrolment deadline. Please observe the regulations on leave of absence at the cooperating university.