
The Representative for students with disability
or chronic illness

This is the central contact person for prospective students, study applicants as well as students with longer lasting or permanent physical or mental disabilities or impairments of the senses. These include chronic somatic and mental illnesses, hearing, sight, speaking, posture and musculoskeletal impairments as well as partial performance and autism spectrum disorders.
The Representative and her Deputy would be delighted to advise and support you in all issues and concerns you have in any disability-related matters arising in relation to your desired or actual study. The aim of the advice is to support you in coping with your study and – together with you – find suitable solutions for your specific situation.
Advice can be given by email, telephone or in person during consultation hours. On request, it is possible in German and in English. We can also often provide you with initial rough information on a study with disabilities without you having to give your name or specifying your disability (e.g. general examples for compensation for disadvantage suffered).

Possible consulting topics are

  • Taking up and accomplishing a study on presentation of a disability
  • Disability-friendly semester planning and arranging everyday life at the university
  • Application for individual compensation for disadvantage suffered for study and examination performances (e.g. adjustments of time, form or room of examination) during the study or for admittance to the study (e.g. aptitude test)
  • Withdrawal from and re-entry to the study in the event of periods of illness
  • Other issues arising from the specific illness and its effects on the study

Contact persons

To ensure a timely processing of your requests the representative and her deputy answer them together as a team – and ask you to use the following shared e-mail address: beeintraechtigt-studieren(at)

(Kopie 3)

Annemarie Döpper

Department Studies and International Affairs | Student advisory service
_Representative for Students with Disability or Chronic Illness


+49 (0)201_4903-384 | Thursdays: +49 (0)201_6505-1434

Kristina Rauschan

Digitality & Transfer | Consultant Digitalisation of the Administration
_Deputy Representative for Students with Disability or Chronic Illness

Please note that the representative shares an office with the student advisory service at the Werden Campus. If you would like a private discussion, then please explicitly mention this when requesting an appointment. This makes it possible to organise an appropriate discussion room.

Social & Psychological Advisory Service
of the Essen-Duisburg Studierendenwerk

Within the framework of the Social and Psychological Advisory Service, the Studierendenwerk also provides special advisory services for students with disabilities – particularly on issues relating to assistance for disability reasons in everyday university life. Here you will receive advice and support in the following aspects:

  • Financing your livelihood
  • Financing study-related increased requirements due to disability
  • Applying for support benefits with the social authorities, assistance, care, etc.

The contact partner for a study with disability and/or chronic illness in the Studierendenwerk is Mr Harald Kaßen.

Advice from the BZI at the Akafö (Collegiate Support Foundation) in Bochum

The Advisory Centre on the Inclusion of Disabled Persons (BZI) of the Collegiate Support Foundation, public law institution (Akafö) supports disabled and chronically ill students in their efforts at achieving equality in relation to the subject of study. Possible consulting topics include:

    • Financing your livelihood
    • Financing study-related increased requirements due to disability
    • Applying for support benefits with the social authorities, assistance, care, etc.
    • Placement of internships relevant to the study
    • Advice on completion of study course - support with job applications and job searching
    • Support with looking for disabled-friendly accommodation possibilities
    • Advice in knowledge acquisition and preparation of the study matter

    Further information on the service and the contact partners is available on the Akafö pages.