The Representative for students with disability
or chronic illness
This is the central contact person for prospective students, study applicants as well as students with longer lasting or permanent physical or mental disabilities or impairments of the senses. These include chronic somatic and mental illnesses, hearing, sight, speaking, posture and musculoskeletal impairments as well as partial performance and autism spectrum disorders.
The Representative and her Deputy would be delighted to advise and support you in all issues and concerns you have in any disability-related matters arising in relation to your desired or actual study. The aim of the advice is to support you in coping with your study and – together with you – find suitable solutions for your specific situation.
Advice can be given by email, telephone or in person during consultation hours. On request, it is possible in German and in English. We can also often provide you with initial rough information on a study with disabilities without you having to give your name or specifying your disability (e.g. general examples for compensation for disadvantage suffered).