Illustration: Louisa Kron
Illustriert vor dunkelblauem Hintergrund eine Waage. Links ein Kalender und ein Geldbeutel. Rechts eine Uhr, ein Buch und ein Schnuller


Studying & Family

Raising children, caring for relatives, or having a disability can pose severe hurdles for students on their road to graduation. Under these or comparable circumstances, students are therefore entitled to take advantage of certain easements during their studies. On this page you can find out more about all the opportunities that are available to you for studying under special circumstances.

Leave of Absence

For the final phase of pregnancy and the period immediately after birth, but also when raising children and caring for close relatives, a leave of absence offers the option of temporarily interrupting your studies without suffering a disadvantage. Leaves of absence are given for the duration of one semester and must be applied for within the dedicated re-registration period in the Dean's Office. If the leave of absence is due to an obligation to care for children or close family members, students are exempt from the university policy stipulating that examinations cannot be taken during a leave of absence. 

Please note that applying for a leave of absence with the reason "pregnancy" counts as an official notice of your pregnancy to the university.

Studying Part-time

Since the winter semester 2015/16, the Folkwang University of the Arts is offering students with family and / or professional obligations, illnesses or disabilities the option to study some of its full-time courses part-time. No specific model is specified – instead, an individualized study plan is developed together with you. Some courses have been designed specifically as part-time courses or are offered both in full- and part-time.

Compensations for Disadvantages

In addition, due to pregnancy, childcare and the care for close relatives, students can request so-called "compensations for disadvantages". Among these are extended deadlines for course work or the deferment of examinations. For further questions please contact your faculty examination office.

The student advisory service is available to answer any questions you may have about studying part-time, leaves of absence and compensations for disadvantages.