Integrative Music Theory – Master of Music
The Integrative Music Theory Master study course consists of four semesters. Students shall select one of the three following areas of specialisations:
The Integrative Music Theory Master study course reflects the new music theory concept at the Folkwang University of the Arts, which may be considered as profile-building within the university landscape. In this manner, the further development of Music Theory as an independent discipline in recent years is taken into account.
The study course concept ensures the necessary qualification for pursuing artists, academic and pedagogical vocations. As far as pedagogical vocations are concerned, while particularly focussing on teaching at colleges and universities, the Master study course also includes teaching at other institutions such as music schools and general secondary schools.
As far as academic vocations are concerned, the focus is on research in the field of historical musical practice and theory building as well as conveying knowledge and the results of research. As far as artistic vocations are concerned, the students acquire expertise in the area of music production, such as producing functional music or composing music for films, acting, dance, etc. Handling new (electronic) media in art and teaching is emphasised in instruction and research within the study course overall.
By bringing together music pedagogical, artistic-creative and technical-practical study and training courses, the Integrative Music Theory Master study course contributes to expanding and improving vocational qualifications in a wide range of musical professions: academic teaching (especially Music Theory but also including other areas), publishing activities, in editing careers in the information media (press, radio, television), the phonographic industry as well as freelance activities, such as composing and arranging. Continuing with the areas of specialisation:
Historical Music Theory