Doctorate requirement at the Institute for Art and Design Science
Before a doctoral thesis is accepted by professors, they must first be convinced of the significance of the research theme. For this purpose, the supervising persons should gain an overview of the doctoral candidate's actual knowledge of the scientific work. Only this knowledge can ensure the necessary support with the work. This particularly applies to those candidates who are not already known to the supervising persons from the study course. Therefore, for those striving for a doctorate, it is not only sensible but also necessary to summarise:
- the theme of the doctoral thesis to be written
- the sources thereby taken into account
- the methods used in the work
- the relevance of the theme selected for the subject of design science
- the general state of research on the theme
An exposé under a working title should be submitted. This should include a description of the theme of the doctoral thesis. A clear division of the work presented in this outline of contents is expected. Supplementing this, a schedule should illustrate the time limits of dealing with and completing the individual contents. The details of the literature for the doctoral thesis are self-evident.
In duly justified exceptional cases, undergraduate students and Master graduates with a polytechnic degree or a degree in a different subject will be accepted. In such cases, it is expected that, before beginning work on the doctoral study, the candidates write a design science work, whose contents are provided by the persons supervising. This housework must attain an academic degree level. In this regard, the candidates should provide evidence of their ability for scientific work and analysis, their capacity to deal with design phenomena as well as their language skills as a whole. Only on completion of this academic housework can the doctorate be accepted.
Prof. Dr. Cordula Meier, 2012