Foto: Ursula Kaufmann
Vielzahl an in schwarz gekleideten Tänzer*innen in Pose vor grauem Hintergrund

Dance – Bachelor of Arts

People who choose to study dance at the Folkwang University of the Arts see their careers as being in the area of contemporary dance and dance theatre. The goal of the Folkwang University of the Arts is to train not dancers but human beings who dance. Students learn to grasp the basic principles of movement and to develop them themselves. The comprehensive tuition in dance techniques and basic theoretical principles means that Folkwang graduates are seasoned dancers; they are represented internationally in theatres and companies as well as on the independent dance scene.

At Folkwang, we underline the word “practical”: students get opportunities to work with famous choreographers at an early stage. Tuition is supplemented by workshops with guest teachers, who teach a wide range of contemporary dance techniques. Independent creative work is also an important part of the course. Dance students also have the chance to seek out cross-disciplinary collaboration with musicians, composers, performing artists and media artists.

Contents of studies

In addition to the majors Contemporary Dance and Classical Ballet the studies comprise a wide range of practical and theoretical subjects, e.g. International Dance Forms, Movement Notation, Music, Dance History and performance projects.

Admission requirements

Details on requirements for admission may be found here.