_Revival of Ludwig Weber’s play “The Birth of Christ” for actors, singers and dancers by Kurt Jooss with the participation of all departments and all Folkwang disciplines.
_Founding of the Folkwang Dance Theatre as the city’s official ballet company in line with the 1929 model.
_Foundation of the Society of Friends and Sponsors of the Folkwang Schools (Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Folkwangschulen, GFFF) to support students of the Folkwang University for Music, Dance and Speech and the Folkwang School of Design in cases of particular talent and need. Board members of the society: Dr. Hans Broche (1950-1963), Prof. Dr. Herbert Schelberger (1963-1973), Dr. Christoph Brecht (1973-1987), Otto Sollböhmer (1987-1995), and Dr. Friedrich Janssen (since 1995-2010), Henning R. Deters (since July 4th, 2010).
_General Music Director Prof. Heinz Dressel becomes president.
_Reorganisation of the school structure: Renaming to “Folkwang School of Music, Theatre and Dance”.
_Expansion of the department Speech to an acting academy.
_Leadership of the conducting class, the orchestra and the opera department falls to Prof. Heinz Dressel.
_Prof. Günter Roth takes on the opera department.
_Pina Bausch (dance) and Werner Sindemann (voice) are the first recipients of the GFFF Folkwang Award. The first award winner for photography is Guido Mangold in 1960.
_The photography faculty is created under the leadership of Prof. Otto Steinert at Folkwang School of Design.
_Prof. Werner Kraut takes over the leadership of the acting department.
_Founding of the Institute for Commercial Advertising.
_Start of the summer academies for Contemporary Artistic Creation.
_Founding of the “Folkwang Dance Studio” (Folkwang Tanzstudio, FTS).
_”Folkwang School of Music, Theatre and Dance“ upgraded to the level of a university by cabinet resolution of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia: “Folkwang Hochschule for Music, Theatre, Dance – Essen” (Folkwang University of Music, Theatre, Dance - Essen).
_Creation of a Pantomime class within the degree course Acting under the leadership of Prof. Günter Titt.
_BBC TV recording of “The Green Table”.
_Prof. Kurt Jooss receives the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.
_Contribution of the faculty of Design for the German Pavilion at the Expo World Exhibition in Montreal.
_Folkwang University is taken over by the State of NRW.
_Folkwang School of Design aspires to the status of university as well. All Folkwang disciplines campaign for a common structure and equal status.
_Director of the Dance institute: Prof. Hans Züllig.
_Creation of the teaching degree courses for music under the leadership of Prof. Heinz W. Höhnen.
_Director of the Studio for New Music: Prof. Wolfgang Hufschmidt.
_Founding of the Electronic Studio (now ‘icem’).
_Separation of the Folkwang School of Design from the other Folkwang disciplines. Despite numerous protests, the faculty for Design is integrated into the newly formed University Essen, Faculty 4 after an intermediary stop (1971) at the University Essen. The degree courses Industrial Design, Communication Design and the teaching degree course Music are taken over by the state NRW.
_Centralisation of the Folkwang University, Duisburg Institute and the vocational departments of the Essen and Duisburg conservatoria.
_Prof. Werner Krotzinger becomes president of Folkwang University.
_The music collection owned by Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, comprising around 7000 records and tapes, is gifted to the university by Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach.
_International Folkwang master classes at Villa Hügel with Professors Hermann Baumann, Saschko Gawriloff, Detlef Kraus, Rita Streich, Paul Tortelier, Gerd Zacher, Paul Badura-Skoda and Janos Starker.
_Industrial Design concentrates its activities in Essen. The degree courses Industrial Design Dortmund, Krefeld and Cologne become more prolific in conjunction with the Essen offering. As a result, the faculty gets access to better equipment and personnel.
_For the first time, graduates in Industrial Design and Communication Design can earn a university-level degree.
_Introduction of a GFFF scholarship for highly gifted students.
_Occupation of the old auditorium “Alte Aula” by students and lecturers; non-stop-concert to prevent its demolition.
_Completion and official opening of the new auditorium “Neue Aula”.
_Passing of the Art Colleges Act of the State of NRW; art universities achieve legal parity with technical universities and gain autonomy in management.
_The Duisburg Institute becomes Faculty 4 of Folkwang University.
_Introduction of the degree courses Musical and Jazz.
_“ex machina“, 1st International Festival for Computer Music and Media Art.
_The degree course Dance under the direction of Prof. Lutz Förster, wins the German Critics award.
_Integration of the Westphalia Acting School Bochum as the new degree course Acting, Bochum.
_Following comprehensive reform at Folkwang University, Duisburg becomes its official third campus alongside Essen and Bochum; the location focuses on the courses Early Music, Chamber Music, and Piano.
_Official opening of the small concert hall “Kleiner Konzertsaal” in Duisburg.
_Inauguration of the “Weiße Mühle” building in Essen-Werden, the new home of the degree course Musical.
_Dortmund becomes the fourth campus of Folkwang University. The orchestral centre “Orchesterzentrum NRW" is under construction here, a joint facility for the four NRW music universities; the new building, right next to the concert hall in the city centre, celebrates its grand opening in 2009.
_Folkwang University turns 80.
_After 35 years, the faculty of Design finally returns home to Folkwang University from the University of Duisburg-Essen. The Industrial Design and Communication Design courses are taken over on 1 October, with personnel and budgetary resources following on 1 January 2008.
_In March of this year, the new Art Colleges Act of NRW comes into force for all degree courses at Folkwang University.
_The independent study course Photography (BA) is introduced for the winter semester 08/09.
_All courses of study receive a new modular structure.
_Official opening of the newly constructed orchestral centre “Orchesterzentrum NRW” in Dortmund in April.
_The foundation stone for the new library building is laid in September.
_Folkwang University, Mercator Foundation and the Palestinian Al-Kasaba Theatre in Ramallah celebrate the official opening of their joint venture Drama Academy Ramallah on October 1st.
_In October, the ‘Alte Aula’ building is renamed ‘Pina Bausch Theater’ in memory of Pina Bausch, a Folkwang personality of many years.
_The Wuppertal Communication Design department is relocated to Folkwang University on November 1st.
_As of January 1st, the SANAA Building becomes a Folkwang facility. The move establishes a permanent residence for the university on the grounds of the World Heritage site.
_In April, Folkwang is renamed Folkwang University of the Arts.
_The motto of the European Capital of Culture RUHR.2010, with which Folkwang University is associated by way of numerous productions, is the brain child of Karl Ernst Osthaus: “Change through culture – culture through change”
_The East Wing, completely renovated following the fire in 2008, reopens in the summer semester. 37 renovated teaching spaces are ready for use.
_The Institute for Contemporary Dance (ICD) becomes operational on October 1st.
_The new "Civic Foundation in Support of Folkwang University of the Arts" is presented in January.
_The new Folkwang Library is inaugurated on Campus Warden in September 2012; the new building was made possible thanks to the support of Alfried Krupp von Bohlen and the Halbach Foundation. As a result, Folkwang now possesses one of the largest musicological collections in Germany More information
_On 2nd October, some 200 invited guests from the fields of politics, academia, culture and industry came on the occasion of the foundation stone laying ceremony for the new Design Faculty building at the Folkwang Zollverein Campus.