
Academic Administration | Examinations Office 
Faculty 1 & 2

Natalie Cebulla

Department Studies and International Affairs | Examination Office | Fac. 1 & 2

Alicia Cebulla

Department Studies and International Affairs | Examination Office | Fac. 1 & 2

Andrea Welle

Department Studies and International Affairs | Examination Office | Fac. 1 & 2

Professional Media Creation und Populäre Musik:

Franziska Betz

Department Studies and International Affairs | Office of Student Affairs & Examinations Office | Fac. 3
_Office of Student Affairs & Examinations Office for the study courses Professional Media Creation and Popular Music


+49 (0) 201_4903-308

Liebe Lehrende,

wir weisen hiermit weiterhin darauf hin, dass Prüfungsprotokolle von studienbegleitenden Prüfungen und Abschlussprüfungen ab sofort wieder nur im Original auf Papier bei den Prüfungsämtern einzureichen sind; ein Versand per E-Mail ist nicht mehr zulässig.

Die Prüfungsprotokolle stehen am Ende der Seite zum Download und Ausdrucken bereit.


Liebe Studierende,

wir weisen hiermit weiterhin darauf hin, dass die Studienbücher wieder im Original zu führen und einzureichen sind. Eingescannte Unterlagen werden nicht mehr angenommen. Sollten Sie während der „Corona-Semester“ Unterschriften auf gescannten Seiten Ihrer Studienbücher erhalten haben welche Sie bisher noch nicht eingereicht haben, so drucken Sie diese Seiten bitte aus und legen Sie sie Ihrem Studienbuch bei.

Auch Anträge auf Zulassung, Anmeldungen zu Abschlussarbeiten sowie Anträge auf Anerkennung von Prüfungsleistungen usw. werden nun wieder nur noch im Original (in Papierform) angenommen.

Registration deadlines

_Bachelor and Master study courses

Registrations for the (sub-)module degrees

  • for modules beginning in the winter semester - on 15th December
  • for modules beginning in the summer semester - on 15th June

Registration is handled by the teaching staff or the spokepersons of the relevant department.

_Bachelor and Master projects Faculty 1

Registrations for bachelor/master projects

  • For examinations in the summer semester 31st March
  • For examinations in the winter semester 30th September

_Bachelor and Master Musicology (new schedules)

  • Application for enrolment to the Bachelor graduation module: before the end of the 5th semester
  • In order to complete the study by 30th September, the application for enrolment to the BA thesis must be made by 27th May at the latest.
  • In order to complete the study by 31st March, the application for enrolment to the BA thesis must be made by 24th November at the latest.
  • Application for enrolment to the Master graduation module: before the end of the 2nd semester
  • In order to complete the study by 30th September, the application for enrolment to the MA thesis must be made by 16th January at the latest.
  • In order to complete the study by 31st March, the application for enrolment to the MA thesis must be made by 17th July at the latest.

_Music Pedagogy Bachelor

In order to be able to finish on schedule by the end of a semester, please note the following deadlines:

BA thesis:

  • In order to finish the study course by 30th September, the registration must be made by 15th May at the latest.
  • In order to finish the study course by 31st May, the registration must be made by 15th October at the latest.

In principle, a thesis can be registered at any time.

_School Teaching

  • Basic course: Preliminary examination major
  • Choral directing (for GyGe)
  • Main course: registration for practical examination
  • For examinations in the summer semester 15th December
  • For examinations in the winter semester 15th June

Information about examination registration can be found on the State Examinations Office (Landesprüfungsamt) homepage