Further information and registration for Balancing Act and Funky Kidz at
Balancing studies, work and personal life
Further information and registration for Balancing Act and Funky Kidz at
Balancing studies, work and personal life
At the Folkwang University of the Arts, we see our equal opportunities mandate as a key task. We actively pursue the goal of creating working and living conditions for everyone that are free from all types of biases and discrimination.
In everyday university life we deal with questions such as the following:
If it is to be successful, equal opportunity and anti-discrimination work must adjust itself to the individual differences of our employees and our students. For this reason we are applying to our mission an intersectional definition of equality – which in our line of work has traditionally been focused exclusively on the category of gender – that encompasses other categories such as ethnicity, class, sexual orientation and disability which can overlap in various ways.
If you have any questions about our work, would like to make a suggestion or need advice, please click on "Contacts & Advice". Here you will find a list of people and positions at Folkwang that deal with anti-discrimination and equal opportunity issues.