
W-LAN and Eduroam

Eduroam Logo

Information about access to the W-LAN or Eduroam can be found here!
If you have any questions or problems, please contact IT directly at servicedesk(at)
Internet access in the library is only possible via Eduroam or the computer workstations.




EZproxy Logo

From the campus network you have free access to all online services that have been licensed for you by the library or its partners. In addition, Folkwang members with their Folkwang ID also have access from outside the campus network.
To do this, log in at with your Folkwang ID and select the desired service from the list.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the library team directly or at bibliothek(at)!




Database Information System (DBIS)

Logo Datenbank-Infosystem (DBIS)

(Specialised) databases are structured electronic collections of information. You can use the Database Information System (DBIS) to find out which databases the library or its partners have licenced for you or selected from the large number of free online offers




The library on Moodle

Moodle Logo

The library has a course room on the Folkwang e-learning platform that is available to all students and lecturers without a registration key. Registration is very simple using your Folkwang ID. There you will find information about the library, search and research tips as well as advice on writing academic papers.

To the course room




Streaming services


Encyclopaedias and bibliographies

Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart online (MGG online)

Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG) Online Logo

Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, short MGG, is a "General Encyclopaedia of Music". Its encyclopaedic approach distinguishes it fundamentally from other reference works: MGG offers in-depth articles on every area of music as well as many related fields such as literature, philosophy and the visual arts. MGG Online comprises the second print edition of MGG (MGG2, published from 1994 to 2008), the content of which is continuously updated, expanded and made accessible as an online database.


→ MGG online: Access from the campus network | Access from home

Video-Tutorial about MGG

The International Encyclopedia of Dance

The International Encyclopedia of Dance Logo

With almost 2,000 articles written by scholars from fifty countries, the encyclopaedia covers the entire spectrum of dance - theatrical dance, ritual dance, dance drama, folk dance, traditional dance, ethnic dance and social dance. Cultural and national overviews are accompanied by entries on dance forms, music and costumes, performances and biographies of dancers and choreographers.


→ The International Encyclopedia of Dance: Access from the campus network

Oxford Music Online

Oxford Music Online Logo

Oxford Music Online unites the reference works "The Oxford Dictionary of Music", "Grove Music Online" and "The Oxford Companion to Music" under a single interface.


→ Oxford Music Online: Access from the campus network | Access from home

Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM)

Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) Logo

International repertory of music literature. International music bibliography and music encyclopaedias, supplemented by music journals in full text. Includes Fétis, Eitner, Handbuch der musikalischen Terminologie, Riemann and Komponisten der Gegenwart.


→ RILM Music Encyclopaedias: Access from the campus network | Access from home

→ List of reference works contained in RILM Music Encyclopaedias: RILM Homepage

→ RILM Abstracts with Full Text: Access from the campus network | Access from home

Video-Tutorial on searching in EBSCO (english)

Video-Tutorial about the RILM Music Encyclopaedias (english)

Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM)

Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) Logo

International Encyclopaedia of Musical Sources. RISM lists sources of manuscript and printed music, writings on music and textbooks and provides scans of individual sources.


→ RISM: Free access

→ RISM: Tutorials on YouTube


E-books, E-journals and E-sheet music

Deutsche Universitätszeitung (DUZ)

Deutsche Universitätszeitung (DUZ) Logo

Online newspaper with information on national and international higher education and science policy.


→ DUZ: Access from the campus network


In order to support students and universities in North Rhine-Westphalia in digital teaching, the university libraries are making e-books available to students in NRW until the end of 2026 with the help of central funding from the Ministry of Culture and Science through the E-Books.NRW initiative and are creating more on a permanent basis. The aim of the initiative is to provide students with state-wide access to the widest possible range of e-books.


→ De Gruyter and Transcript: Access from the campus network | Access from home

→ Preselect: Access from the campus network

→ Bloomsbury: Access from the campus network | Access from home | Instructions (english, PDF)

→ E-Library Duncker & Humblot: Access from the campus network

→ Elsevier Freedom Collection: Access from the campus network

→ Felix Meiner eLibrary: Access from the campus network

→ Hanser Library: Access from the campus network

→ Meiner eLibrary: Access from the campus network

→ Narr Francke Attempto: Access from the campus network

→ Nomos eLibrary: Access from the campus network

→ Springer eBook collection: Access from the campus network

→ Taylor & Francis: Access from the campus network

→ utb eLibrary: Access from the campus network

→ VDI-Verlag eLibrary: Access from the campus network

→ Wiley: Access from the campus network

Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB)

Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB) Logo

The Electronic Journals Library (Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek, EZB) is a database that lists electronically published journals available in German libraries. A graphic traffic light system shows which journals are available online, depending on which library you are currently in. All journals marked green are freely available.


Note: It is not possible to search directly for individual articles in the EZB.


EZB selection for Folkwang

General access to the EZB

Henle Library

Henle Library Logo

As a Folkwang member you can register for the Henle Library app with your Folkwang e-mail address and receive free access to all Henle Library content.
Note: You must be in the Folkwang network (eduroam) to register!


Henle Library app registration instruction (german/english, PDF)

Browse without registration/login


The Henle Library App with its full range of functions works on tablets, IPads and smartphones (Android, IOS), unfortunately not on laptops.

Journal of New Music Research

Journal of New Music Research Logo

If you are connected to the internet on a Folkwang campus, you have access to the Journal of New Music Research. Individual articles are also published Open Access, i.e. they are available online everywhere. The print edition of the journal is located in the ICEM and can be viewed there.


→ Journal of New Music Research (current issue): Access from the campus network

Information in the EZB


nkoda Logo

nkoda is an app that offers full-text access to sheet music from numerous publishers. You can browse, read (make music) and annotate.
If you are interested, please contact the library team at bibliothek(at)folkwang-uni.dewith your Folkwang e-mail address. You will receive a link to activate free access via the library licence.


Instructions for the registration (german, PDF)

Instructions for the registration (english, PDF)

Video-Tutorial about nkoda


The nkoda app is available for Android, iOS, MAC OS and Windows 10. Please always select the "Log in by e-mail" option when you are travelling with the Folkwang subscription in nkoda!

Transfer & Innovation

Transfer und Innovation Logo

Transfer and innovation are increasingly defining fields of action for key players in science, society, politics and business. In view of the dynamics in this area and the large number of innovative projects, ideas and strategies, it is time to offer these initiatives and the bright minds behind them a place for professional exchange, inspiration and critical examination of success and failure.
The specialist journal "Transfer & Innovation" fills this gap. It is aimed at everyone who facilitates, implements and researches transfer and innovation - in universities, non-university research, society, companies and politics.


→ Transfer & Innovation: Access from the campus network

→ For the print version, please ask at the circulation desk!


Specialised Information Services for Science (Fachinformationsdienste, FID) - Specialised Information Service for communication, media and film studies Logo is the Specialised Information Service (Fachinformationsdienst, FID) for communication, media and film studies. In this central information portal, you can search around 3 million data records for books, journals, AV media and online resources on the relevant subjects


→ Free access - Specialised Information Service Art, Photography, Design Logo, the Specialised Information Service (Fachinformationsdienst, FID) for art, photography and design, is the central information portal for art studies. It is funded by the DFG and operated by Heidelberg University Library and the SLUB Dresden.


→ FID Art, Photography, Design: Free access

Personal registration FID licences

Specialised Information Service Performing Arts

FID Darstellende Kunst Logo

The Specialised Information Service (Fachinformationsdienst, FID) Performing Arts is the central information portal for theatre and dance studies. It is funded by the DFG and operated by the Johann Christian Senckenberg University Library.


→ FID Performing Arts: Free access

Information Portal Education

Fachportal Pädagogik Logo

The information portal Education is the central portal for educational research, educational science and specialised didactics. It is funded by the DFG and operated by the Education Information Centre of the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Frankfurt am Main.


→ Information Portal Education: Free access

musiconn -Specialised Information Service Musicology

musiconn - Fachinformationsdienst Musikwissenschaft Logo

The services offered by the Specialised Information Service for Musicology (Fachinformationsdienst, FID - Musikwissenschaft) are summarised under the brand name musiconn - network musicology. The project, which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), is based at the Bavarian State Library and aims to provide qualified information in the field of musicology.


musiconn Services


Registration for Folkwang members (german, PDF)

→ FID licences: As a musicology researcher, you have personal access to platforms/databases that are licensed by the DFG. If you have any questions, please contact the library staff.


Other information services

Handbook of Cultural Management

Handbuch Kulturmanagement Logo

The Handbook of Cultural Management provides up-to-date specialist knowledge and directly applicable suggestions and tools for everyday cultural management and informs about the latest developments and trends in cultural management, cultural policy and cultural law.


→ Handbook of Cultural Management: Access from the campus network

Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (KVK)

Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (KVK) Logo

The KVK is a meta-catalogue that enables simultaneous searches in numerous German and international library catalogues.


→ KVK: Free access

The KVK in Wikipedia


Bayerische Staatsbibliothek LogoStaatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz LogoNiedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen Logo

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Logo

In order to sustainably improve the supply of electronic specialist information at German universities, research institutions and scientific libraries, the German Research Foundation (DFG) has been funding the acquisition of national licences for electronic media since 2004 as part of its "Supraregional Literatur Supply and National Licences" funding programme.
The aim of the programme is to provide researchers, students and private individuals interested in science with access to databases, digital text collections, electronic journals and e-books. Eight institutions have concluded nationwide licence agreements with learned societies, publishers and other information providers.


Access to all online services via DBIS


Available on the campus network:

17th-18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers / BBCN

19th Century British Library Newspapers / BNCN

America's Historical Newspapers / EAN

Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi

ARTbibliographies Modern Archiv 1974-2016

British Periodicals Collection I & II

Cambridge Core / Journals / Cambridge Journals Digital Archive (Nationallizenz)

Corpus de la littérature médiévale

Der Literarische Expressionismus Online

Deutschsprachige Frauenliteratur des 18. & 19. Jahrhunderts, Teil 1 und 2

Early English Books Online / EEBO

EBSCOhost eBook Collection

Education in Video: Volumes I & II

Eighteenth Century Collections Online / ECCO

Eighteenth Century Drama (Nationallizenz)

→ Learning and Teaching - The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences (Nationallizenz): Education Week | Zeitschriften FID Erziehungswissenschaft

Music Online

Oxford Journals Digital Archive 1849-2010 ff.

Periodicals Archive Online (PAO) 1802-2000

Periodicals Index Online / PIO 1739-2000

Pravda Digital Archive (1912-2009)

Primary Sources for Slavic Studies

PsyJournals (Archiv)

Sage Journals Online Deep Backfile 1879-2019

Social Theory

Springer Lecture Notes Archiv 1964-1996

Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2002

Teatro Espanol del Siglo de Oro (TESO)

The Nation Digital Archive

Times Digital Archive 1785-1985 (Nationallizenz)

Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive 1902-2005 / TLS

Torrossa / Monografie

Twentieth Century North American Drama

Vicorian Popular Culture (Nationallizenz)

World Biographical Information System / WBIS

Prometheus - the distributed digital image archive for research and teaching

Prometheus Bilddatenbank Logo

Public domain images from the Prometheus database.


→ Prometheus: Access from the campus network


Qucosa Logo

Qucosa is a document and publication server for documents from science and industry that provides free access to corresponding full texts worldwide.


→ Qucosa: Free access

Qucosa on Wikipedia

Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)

Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB) Logo

The journal database (Zeitschriftendatenbank, ZDB) lists all journals available in German libraries. In the ZDB you will find information on the publication dates of the journals and which libraries have which issues and volumes of a journal in their holdings.


→ ZDB catalogue: Free access

ZDB help
