
Young students

The Folkwang University of the Arts' Institute for the Promotion of Young Artists "folkwang junior" manages the training of young students and offers it in cooperation with municipal music and art schools. It is aimed at highly talented students - currently for the following artistic majors:

  • Accordion*
  • Early music (baroque cello, baroque oboe, baroque viola, baroque violin, recorder, harpsichord, transverse flute)
  • Brass instruments (horn, trombone, trumpet, tuba)
  • Woodwind instruments (bassoon, clarinet, oboe, flute, saxophone)
  • Jazz (electric bass, guitar, piano, double bass, trombone, saxophone, drums/percussion, trumpet, violin)
  • Piano
  • Composition (electronic composition, instrumental composition)
  • Organ*
  • Percussion
  • String instruments (double bass, viola, violin, violoncello)
  • Dance
  • Plucked instruments (guitar, harp)

Currently, up to 15 young students of all ages can be accepted and receive main subject tuition at Folkwang. The training takes place parallel to attending a general school and is intended to enable the young students to take up artistic university studies.

*For capacity reasons, no new students can currently be accepted for these majors and no entrance examinations can take place.

Requirements for admission:

  • Proof of attendance at a general education school
  • Proof of special artistic talent by passing an aptitude test at Folkwang

Application documents:

Applications must be submitted via the Folkwang application portal by the application deadline of March 15 (for the following winter semester) or November 15 (for the following summer semester). The dance course only begins in the winter semester, the application for participation in the aptitude test must be submitted by March 15 (for the following winter semester). The portal is open for applications from October 1 to November 15 and from January 15 to March 15. To apply, you must upload the following to the portal

  • curriculum vitae in tabular form, showing previous school and music or dance education
  • Passport photo (optional), to be identified by name and address
  • Declaration of consent from the school (with attendance of artistic courses parallel to school attendance)
  • for applicants attending a non-German-speaking school, additional proof of German language skills at level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
  • Proof of payment of the application fee (bank statement)

Please note: In the case of admission, a birth certificate or identity card/passport must be presented as proof of identity.

Please direct any questions regarding the application to the Central Student Advisory Service

Educational content:

Young students in the field of music receive their main subject lessons at Folkwang; minor subjects such as choir, ensemble, improvisation, orchestra and music theory are also taught by the cooperating local music and art schools, depending on age. Attendance at the major and minor subject lessons is compulsory. Young dance students receive lessons in dance subjects at Folkwang, depending on their individual interests and needs. Further information on the course of training, form and examinations can be found in the current training regulations.

Aptitude test:

The Folkwang aptitude test for young students consists of (a.) the examination of subject-specific aptitude, (b.) an assessment of general musical or general dance aptitude and (c.) a motivational interview (music) or colloquium (dance). The examination parts a. and b. are assessed in a joint major subject examination, which in the instrumental major subjects consists of an artistic performance and in the composition major subjects of the presentation of own compositions and a personal interview on these. The main subject examination in dance consists of a training session in contemporary dance and one in classical dance, a 1-minute solo and the realization of a creative task spontaneously set by the examination board.

The exact regulations and requirements of the individual parts of the examination and the different main subject examinations can be found in § 3 in paragraphs (5) to (8) of the current training regulations.

Fees at Folkwang:

There are neither tuition fees nor the semester fee (i.e. fees for Studierendenwerk, AStA and TicketDeutschlandsemesterticket) for the Jungstudium, but there is an application fee. Information on the application fee can be found here. Young students are not entitled to the German semester ticket. They have the legal status of guest students. Their study and examination achievements will be credited towards a later degree course upon application.