
Staff Councils

The two staff councils of the Folkwang University of the Arts (one for artistic and academic staff, the other for technical and administrative staff) represent the employees vis-à-vis the department on the basis of the State Staff Representation Act of North Rhine-Westphalia.

The staff councils work together with the department and assume important tasks with regard to the position of all staff and employees of Folkwang University of the Arts. The staff councils have formal participation rights. The strongest form of participation is co-determination (e.g. recruitment, classification and regrouping, transfer). Other forms are participation and consultation.

Above all, however, we are the point of contact for employees in the event of problems in the workplace. If you have any questions about the work of the staff councils or need help, simply contact us.


Vice Chair

Ken Richter

Music Theory, Tonsatz | Analyse | Gehörbildung

_Teacher for special tasks

Further members

Armin Pelzer


Analog and digital technologies of photography


+49 (0) 201_183-4574


Personnel board of the non-academic staff



We currently meet every two weeks (odd calendar weeks) on Mondays at 9.00 am in P124 or online. All members of the Staff Council can be contacted by email or telephone, but in particular:

Michael Zechlin, Heckstr. 13-15, appointments by arrangement


Vice chair

Tabea Maciolek

Department Studies and International Affairs | Introduction HISinOne | Project team
_Confidant of severely disabled


+49 (0) 201_4903-320

Michael Zechlin

Department Resources | IT Service | Introduction HISinOne | Project management

Further members

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Sebastian Linnert

IT Security Coordinator | Joint IT Department of Art and Music Universities of NRW