Folkwang is a party to the National Code of Conduct on Foreign Students at German Universities
Studying in Germany is to become more attractive for international students thanks to a common code for German universities. With this code the German universities are introducing common quality standards for
international students’ studies.
The aim of the code is to establish common minimum standards in the areas of "Information and advertising, admission, support and follow-up supervision", upon the adherence to which international applicants for study can rely. Its main idea is to grant international students, wherever possible, the same rights as German students and their equivalent EU-students, and in addition to offer them the assistance that they especially require as international guests.
The complete text of the code can be viewed here:
National Code of conduct on foreign students at german universities
Code of Conduct for German HE Projects Abroad
International students can make complaints at a complaints office at the relevant university if the code is not adhered to. In such cases, students at the Folkwang University of the Arts can contact the Vice President for International Affairs and Events, Prof. Hanns-Dietrich Schmidt.