
Alfried Krupp Schülerlabor der Künste

Das Alfried Krupp Schülerlabor der Künste is a unique model project in Germany for promoting young artists. It offers artistic-scientific workshop programs for school classes from grade 9 of all school types. The pupils experience the networked interdisciplinarity at Folkwang and are given the opportunity to get to know new creative areas, develop their artistic skills and thus gain initial study experience. Under the guidance of Folkwang teachers, graduates and students, teenagers and young adults gain innovative insights into the disciplines of art, music, design and performance. Questions such as: What do eggs have to do with design processes? Why do we remember a movie when we only hear a few notes of the soundtrack? Is what we see in a photo reality?

The Alfried Krupp Schülerlabor der Künste is an institution of the Folkwang University of the Arts and is made possible by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation.


The one-day workshops take place in the
SANAA building on the Folkwang Campus Welterbe Zollverein.
A report by Deutschlandfunk provides an initial insight into the work of the school lab.
Dirk Groß-Langenhoff reports on "Writing is gold" - one of the project's first workshops.