Illustration: Louisa Kron
Links eine Hand zu einem Klavier greifend. Rechts ein Kind mit Baublöcken


Cooperation with the children's day care groups “Löwenbande” and “Löwenhöhle”

The Folkwang University of the Arts would like to guarantee its members the best possible conditions for working and studying. This entails offering childcare for students and employees with family responsibilities as close to campus as possible. For this reason, the university is cooperating with two daycare groups, the "Löwenbande" and the "Löwenhöhle", near the Essen-Werden S-Bahn station. In both facilities, a total of ten children between six months and kindergarten are looked after by two qualified caregivers. Once a week, the children can also take part in an early music education program for free.

Who can apply?

All students and employees of the university can apply. At least one parent must be employed or enrolled as a full-time student at the Folkwang University of the Arts in order to make use of the programme.

How to apply

Applications are made via Family Services. If day care places are available, admission takes place each year in August. The parents must have registered by April 1st if they want to be eligible for a place in August.

At what times are children looked after?

The day care is open Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Active care time is 39h per week. 2h are reserved for exchange with the parents.

What are the costs?

Day care costs are covered by the youth welfare office, with the parents making an income-related contribution to the youth welfare office. Students with a lower income pay only a small share.

For more information, please contact Family Services.

Early music education

An essential part of the cooperation between the Folkwang University of the Arts and the day care groups are the weekly music education sessions, led by Cinthia Gutiérrez, a graduate of the elementary music education course.

In early music education, musicality, creativity and possibilities of self-expression are promoted by the use of different materials and Orff instruments, such as wood blocks, drums, xylophones and bells. The aim is to use music as a medium to also promote non-musical skills, and thus to facilitate the integral development of the child. The caregivers accompany the music lesson and give weekly feedback.

Building on her work in early musical education, Cinthia has now initiated her own bilingual music education project, Barquito de Papel.

If you have any questions about the project, feel free to contact Cinthia directly via email.

Cinthia mit Querflöte
Bild mit Kind

Further information is available from the Family Service. If you have any questions about early music education, please contact Cinthia directly by e-mail.