

Folkwang University of the Arts will be awarding Deutschlandstipendium scholarships for the winter semester 2024/25. Half of each scholarship grant is funded by a private sponsor while the other half is provided by the state. With the agreement of both parties, non-material support from private sponsors can be part of the Deutschlandstipendium. Funding begins on 1. October 2024, ends on 30. September 2025 and amounts to € 300 per month. It is expected that 60 scholarships will be awarded.

Eligibility criteria

Students who are regularly enrolled at the Folkwang University of the Arts are eligible for funding, regardless of their nationality. Doctoral and exchange students as well as free movers and guest auditors cannot be funded. Double sponsorship (i.e. the simultaneous receipt of another merit or talent scholarship; social scholarships will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis) is excluded. Students can only be funded if they fulfil all the funding criteria listed here for the duration of at least one academic year (from Oct. 2024).

In the Deutschlandstipendium selection process, both academic performance (or expected academic performance for first-year students) and further criteria are taken into account (see StipV § 2, para. 2):
_particular successes, awards and prizes, a previous professional career and internships
_extracurricular commitments such as voluntary work, social, university or political commitment or participation in associations, clubs or religious communities
_particular personal or family circumstances such as illnesses and disabilities, providing care work to one's own children (especially as a single parent) or close relatives, working in a family business, employment, (social) origin/identity or international biography

Family focus


Scholarships with family focus are intended to relieve the burden on student parents with low incomes. Expectant parents can also apply for this.


Please submit the birth certificate of your child/children, the maternity pass or a medical certificate stating the expected date of birth as proof. You can also present the documents to Elina Thier during a personal appointment (within the application deadline). In this case, it will be noted that the documents have been submitted and do not need to be sent along.


The data will be treated confidentially, pre-sorted by an internal jury (Central Equal Opportunity Representative, Representative for Students with Disability or Chronic Illness, University Funding Officer) and submitted to the award committee for a decision. If you have any questions about the application or about the confidentiality of the application, please contact Elina Thier at any time.



Focus on students with impairments


Scholarships with focus on students with impairments are intended to support students with disabilities and physical and/or mental impairments.


In addition to disabilities, this also includes chronic or mental illnesses (e.g. rheumatism, Crohn's disease, diabetes, depression, anxiety disorders, etc.), partial performance disorders such as dyslexia, autism or other long-term impairments (at least 6 months) - as well as sensory and movement impairments. In particular, this includes students with mobility, visual, hearing or speech impairments.


Suitable forms of verification are:
_A current certificate, report or statement issued by a (specialist) physician or a licensed psychotherapist*
_A disabled person's pass (for a severe disability)


Note: We do not require a detailed medical history! To protect your privacy, it is sufficient to state the reason and, if applicable, the extent of the restrictions resulting from your impairment in a medical certificate or statement.


The data will be treated confidentially, pre-sorted by an internal jury (Central Equal Opportunity Representative, Representative for Students with Disability or Chronic Illness, University Funding Officer) and submitted to the Folkwang University of the Arts Awards Committee for a decision. If you have any questions about the application or about the confidentiality of the application, please contact Elina Thier at any time.



* If you are unable to cover the cost, please send an e-mail to gleichstellungsbeauftragte(at)



Application and Selection Process

Applications must be sent by email to foerderung(at) by 09.06.2024. Your application must include the following documents:
_application form
_current curriculum vitae in tabular form (max. 1-2 pages)
_current certificate of study
_current transcript of records. If, for example, you are studying in your first bachelor's semester and do not yet have a transcript of records, please let us know when you send your application. Master's students in their first semester must enclose the transcript of records from their bachelor's programme.
_Faculty 4: an academic, creative or artistic work (but not a thesis), 5-7 pages, PDF format (max. data size 15 MB)
_if applicable: proof of awards, social commitments, special personal circumstances or similar (see application form: 6. Social criteria)
_if applicable: additional declaration about financial hardship (see application form: p. 9)
_if applicable: proof of employment (see application form: 6.c Special personal circumstances)
_only for applications with family focus: birth certificate(s) of the child(ren), copy of the maternity log or medical certificate stating the expected date of birth
_only for applications with a focus on students with disabilities: (specialist) medical certificate, statement from a (specialist) physician or a licensed psychotherapist, disabled person’s pass (for severe disabilities)

NEW: You must request a letter of recommendation from one of your lecturers. This letter must be issued on the official form provided for that purpose. The form must be sent directly to foerderung(at) by your teacher before the application deadline. Letters of recommendation sent after the deadline will not be considered and your application will be deemed incomplete.
Please complete the application form digitally (in German or English) and send it, together with the other application documents, as a PDF (!) to foerderung(at) Applications with incomplete information will not be considered.

A recommendation for scholarship allocation is made by the Central Opportunity Representative, Representative for Students with Disability or Chronic Illness and the University Funding Officer for the funding priorities family and students with impairments, and by the relevant academic department for all other scholarships. The final decision on scholarship allocation is made by the Folkwang University of the Arts awards committee decides on the allocation of scholarships. We will confirm the receipt of your application by e-mail. You will also be informed by e-mail about the result of your application. Please only use your Folkwang e-mail address for communication!

Please note that threats to confidentiality and unauthorized access by third parties cannot be ruled out when communicating by unencrypted e-mail. You are also welcome to send your application documents by post to: Folkwang University of the Arts, Attn: Elina Thier, Klemensborn 39, 45239 Essen, Germany, or drop them off at the main building in P.O. Box No. 40.


Förderer des Deutschlandstipendiums


Die Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Folkwang Universität der Künste e.V. (GFFF) wurde 1950 gegründet und unterstützt seitdem besonders begabte und förderungswürdige Studierende unserer Hochschule. Und das in vielfältiger, individueller Weise. Eckpunkte sind dabei die Vergabe von Stipendien, die Projektförderung und der Folkwang Preis für Studierende mit herausragenden Leistungen.

LionsClub LogoSquare

Der Förderpreis des Lions Club Essen-Werethina wurde erstmals für das Studienjahr 2008 vergeben und ist ein Beitrag zur Unterstützung von deutschen und ausländischen Studierenden der Folkwang Universität der Künste, die eine deutliche Spitzenbegabung erkennen lassen und bedürftig oder sozial benachteiligt sind.

2011 wurde der Förderpreis im Rahmen des NRW Stipendiums vergeben, seit 2012 beteiligt sich der Lions Club Essen-Werethina am Deutschlandstipendium.

LentzStifung Square

Die Inge und Karl-Werner Lentzsch-Stiftung wurde eingerichtet, um besonders begabte Studierende, vorzugsweise in dem Bereich Musik, zu fördern. Seit 2003 wurden ausgesuchte studentische Projekte finanziert. 2009 entschied die Stiftung, jährlich zwei Studierende mit einem Stipendium, zunächst in Verbindung mit dem NRW Stipendium, ab 2012 als Förderer des Deutschlandstipendiums, zu unterstützen.

AundC Pott Stiftung LogoSqaure

Seit vielen Jahren vergibt die Alfred & Cläre Pott-Stiftung Stipendien für besonders begabte Studierende aus Mittel-, Ost- und Südeuropa. Unser Dank gilt hier besonders Herrn Dr. Dr. h. c. Klaus Liesen (verstorben 30. März 2017). Das unter seinem Vorsitz entstandene Förderprogramm ist eine feste Größe unseres Stipendienfonds. 

Seit 2018 beteiligt sich die Alfred & Cläre Pott-Stiftung darüber hinaus im Deutschlandstipendium mit dem Focus Studium und Familie. Studierende mit Kind sind einer besonderen Belastung ausgesetzt. Die Stiftung möchte junge Familien mit diesem Beitrag schützen und fördern.

RAG LogoSquare

Seit 2015 unterstützt die RAG-Stiftung das Deutschlandstipendium an der Folkwang Universität der Künste. Die RAG-Stiftung konzentriert sich bei der Förderung auf Studierende aus Nicht-Akademikerfamilien, häufig mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte, die ohne eine finanzielle Unterstützung ein Studium oft gar nicht aufnehmen oder nicht in der Regelstudienzeit absolvieren könnten.


ZontaClubEssen Square

Die Essener ZONTA-Clubs fördern jährlich begabte und leistungsfähige weibliche Studierende der Folkwang Universität der Künste. Herausragende Leistungen und gesellschaftliches Engagement sollen honoriert sowie das Verantwortungsbewusstsein der Gesellschaft für Bildung und Begabung gestärkt werden. 

In den Essener ZONTA-Clubs haben sich berufstätige Frauen aus der Region zusammengeschlossen. Ihre Mitglieder engagieren sich sowohl in sozialen als auch kulturellen Projekten für Frauen und setzen sich insbesondere regional für die Bildung der Frau ein.


Rotary international 6

Im Bewusstsein der Bedeutung der Kunstmusik als unentbehrliches kulturelles Erbe unterstützt der Rotary Club Duisburg seit dem Wintersemester 2024/25 das Deutschlandstipendium für hochbegabte Studierende an der Folkwang Universität der Künste im Fachbereich Musik. Vorzugsweise im Falle finanzieller Bedürftigkeit.