
Funding initiatives

Instrument funds
Photo: Elsa Wehmeier

Instrument Fund

The Instrument Fund, established in 2016, provides high-quality instruments on loan to young, outstanding music students at the Folkwang University of the Arts.

Interkulturelles Mentoring c Marie Laforge
Photo: Marie Laforge

Support of the model concept

"Intercultural Mentoring" by the Folkwang University Foundation

The model concept "Interkulturelles Mentoring" was funded by the DAAD for two years (2010-2012) as part of the PROFIN funding program and still aims to prepare international students for their new phase of life in Germany and at the Folkwang University of the Arts in terms of subject, language and socio-cultural aspects before they start their studies.

Further information

The Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft has awarded the Intercultural Mentoring Programme of the Folkwang University of the Arts the University Pearl of the Month for February 2012. The Stifterverband's jury chose the University Pearl to draw attention to the numerous advantages of this innovative approach for all those involved: student mentors gain their first didactic experience in the field of e-learning. Like their mentees, they receive training in their intercultural and social skills, the university presents itself as cosmopolitan, and integration and orientation problems are minimised.


The Folkwang University Foundation supports the continuation and expansion of the sponsored model concept into a central cross-semester event in the ‘Optional Studies’ module for all new students at the Folkwang University of the Arts, focussing on the needs of everyday student life.