Nahaufnahme eines Orchesters bei einer Aufführung


Orchestral Performance - Master of Music

The providing universities of the Orchesterzentrum|NRW have decided to discontinue the Master's degree course "Orchestral Performance". This means that enrolment in the course will be possible for the last time in the winter semester 2024/25. The course will be offered for the last time in the summer semester 2027.

Nr. 491 | Regulations for the discontinuation of the Master's degree programme ‘Orchestral Performance’ at the Orchesterzentrum|NRW from 13.11.2024 (in german)

Orchestral Performance is now offered as an alternative major in the M.Mus. Instrumental Specialisation at the Folkwang University of the Arts.

Orchesterzentrum|NRW was set up by the four state-run music universities of North Rhine-Westphalia in 2004, to forge new pathways in the training of orchestral musicians. This is making it a key location of the Folkwang University of the Arts in Dortmund.
Over four semesters, within the framework of the Master’s course in Orchestral Performance (which is unique in Europe), the course prepares graduates from music universities in Germany and abroad in a practical, goal-oriented way for careers in famous orchestras.

The focus of the course at Orchesterzentrum|NRW is preparation for auditions. In various kinds of training sessions, students can work individually, in a group, or as part of the whole orchestral forces – led by experienced concertmasters, solo players and section principals from leading orchestras – on the relevant aspects of audition playing, and can improve their artistic expression. With practical simulated auditions, they are given the best possible preparation for any emergency and can improve their prospects of securing an attractive position.

You can find more information about the Orchestral Performance course and Orchesterzentrum at

Artistic majors



_Double bass