Code/guidelines for safeguarding good scientific practice
Guidelines for good scientific practice at the Folkwang University of the Arts
The Folkwang University of the Arts is aware of its responsibility to communicate rules of good academic practice to its academics and to protect itself from academic misconduct by means of appropriate procedures and measures. Honesty in the search for truthful knowledge is the basis for valid scientific work, from which the rules of good scientific practice arise, the validity and application of which is a core task of science. The basis of the guiding principles for good scientific practice at the Folkwang University of the Arts is the Code of the German Research Foundation (DFG) "Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice" in the current edition: Code - Scientific Integrity
According to the guidelines of the German Research Foundation, the local ombudspersons at the individual universities are the first point of contact for questions regarding good scientific practice or suspected scientific misconduct. At the Folkwang University of the Arts, this is Prof. (deputy) Dr. Julian Caskel.