
Process-oriented quality-related work

At the Folkwang University of the Arts, needs-based processes in the areas of studies & teaching, administration, research and interface processes are developed in participative process groups, and are modelled and documented by the Quality Development division. Jointly developed and optimised processes are pooled in the intranet process portfolio (in future this will also be done in the BIC Process Design portal that the Folkwang University of the Arts has been setting up since September 2021), and then published once approved in the process group.

Process structure at Folkwang

The Folkwang process structure is the conceptual basis for process development.It has three levels:


Level 1: Process architecture

Level 2: Process spaces

Level 3: Process models

Process architecture

The process architecture illustrates the university’s positioning in its environment, the overarching guidelines for the processes, and the university’s organisational structure. As such, the process architecture provides the framework for classifying all process models, and enables every university member to classify their own activities within the overall university context. The process structure thus supports a joint understanding of processes within the university’s organisational units, while simultaneously illustrating the shift from department-oriented to a process and dialogue-oriented university structure.

The process architecture divides all university processes into management processes, three value-added core processes, four cross-sectional processes and supporting processes.


Graphic depicting the Folkwang process architecture (in German only)

Process spaces

The process spaces are level 2 of the Folkwang process structure, and pool thematically related process models. They exist within the management processes, core processes and support processes. There are also overarching cross-sectional processes whose individual processes are similarly pooled into process spaces.


Graphic for the depiction of the process areas (in German only)

Process models

The process models ensure workflows are grasped clearly and lastingly at a glance. Each player can quickly and explicitly see when and at which work stage they are integrated into the process. All players are also transparently shown how individual work stages are incorporated into the process, and who is responsible each time. In some cases, the process model is supplemented with explanatory text in the form of a ‘guideline’.


Guide to the process models (in German only)



All binding process models are available for viewing any time in the Process portfolio (> Documents) of the Folkwang University of the Arts intranet.

Process-development method

Since the 2017 summer semester, process development at Folkwang has been operating based on the ‘fire-brigade principle’: The processes particularly relevant to quality are selected by the university administration for development, with special consideration given to processes involving numerous interfaces and a corresponding risk of error.

The selected processes are each developed by a set process group, usually entirely comprised of process participants. The group’s work is supplemented by various case-based sub-process groups. Overall responsibility for a process is established in the process model.
The process model applies bindingly right across the university, and this is defined by virtue of the fact that it is published in the university’s internal process portfolio on the intranet and in the BIC Process Design portal.

Annual reviews during the Folkwang process week ensure the models are always up-to-date.