
"Digital Transformation in Studies, Teaching & Research" department

The Digital Transformation in Studies, Teaching & Research department plays a key role in the development and integration of digital teaching and learning innovations.

We promote exchange within and outside the university in various formats in order to identify common needs for action and develop corresponding recommendations and target group-oriented offers.

Our focus is on supporting and promoting a community of practice, networking in cross-university communities and developing needs-oriented offerings.


Media didactics

Media didactics deals with media-supported teaching and learning. The use of media should contribute to solving a pedagogical problem. Such added value is not achieved through the use of new media, but through the introduction of an innovative didactic concept. We support teachers in the preparation of a media-didactic analysis, which is necessary as a basis for the successful introduction of a didactic concept.


If you have any questions or would like advice, please contact Robin Wieske: robin.wieske(at)

Digital tools

The Folkwang University of the Arts currently offers various digital tools that promote a constantly evolving culture for innovative digital teaching and learning in the sense of “enhanced learning”.


Moodle is a learning management system for creating e-learning environments. If you have any questions about Moodle or need basic training tailored to your specific needs, please contact Johanna Töpfer: johanna.toepfer(at)
If you have any questions about the other digital tools or need an introduction to individual tools, please contact Johanna Töpfer (johanna.toepfer(at) or Robin Wieske (robin.wieske(at)

Support from the IT department
If you have difficulties with your Folkwang ID, your e-mails or the IT infrastructure in general, please contact the IT department.

Open Education and

Folkwang University of the Arts supports a cultural change towards more open educational experiences in the sense of an Open Educational Culture with the aim of breaking down barriers to access to education. To this end, Folkwang participates in the state portal, which bundles information and services relating to Open Educational Resources in North Rhine-Westphalia and provides teaching/learning material for teachers and students.


Open Educational Resources (OER) are closely related to Open Educational Practice (OEP), the sharing of teaching concepts and practices. OER and OEP ultimately lead to an Open Educational Culture (OEC), in which educational content, resources and processes are discussed and further developed openly and freely. The focus is on making education more accessible for everyone, developing educational content collaboratively and focusing on principles such as “openness” and “collaboration”.


Interested parties can contact the ORCA network office at Folkwang University of the Arts, Robin Wieske, at any time: robin.wieske(at)

Exchange & networking

We use various formats to support the exchange of content, critical debate and networking between researchers and lecturers from all subject areas in the field of digitality in studies, teaching and research.


Have you broken new ground in your teaching, tried out these ideas and would like to discuss them with colleagues from different disciplines?

Are you looking for colleagues to discuss the future of artistic education and training or the influence of social developments on different disciplines?


We would be happy to support you in the conception and implementation of exchange and networking formats such as round tables or lunch & learn sessions. Please contact Johanna Töpfer: johanna.toepfer(at)

Exchange and networking formats

> Symposium Digital Arts and Teaching


"Digital transformation in studies, teaching & research" team



+49 (0) 151 65211053

Johanna Töpfer

Digitality & Transfer | Community Manager Digital Transformation in Studies, Teaching & Research


+49 (0) 162 1052007

Robin Wieske, M.A.

Digitality & Transfer | Consultant Digital Transformation in Studies, Teaching & Research


+49 (0) 201_4903-318