Accreditation and other methods and instruments accompanying the quality related works
The accreditation procedures as well as the process- and evaluation-oriented instruments, methods and measures of quality work are accompanied at Folkwang University of the Arts by advisory services, information, support and development for students, teachers and employees. Some of the these methods, instruments and measures have been in place at the Folkwang University of the Arts for many years. They were not just created as part of the "Excellently advised" project or the quest to professionalise the advisory services and quality-related work. Nevertheless, they have often developed further in terms of content and structure during the duration of the Quality Pact, have been interlinked with other components of the quality work and currently form an indispensable accompanying framework for the dialogue-oriented quality work, the further development of which will continue even the project has finished.
With the reform of the German accreditation system, the content and structural requirements in the study courses subject to accreditation have changed significantly since 2017. As a result, the interaction between the continuously effective quality work and the programme accreditation procedure at Folkwang has become increasingly important.
Further information on accreditation procedures and the other accompanying procedures/instruments of quality work will be added successively.