2021 student surveys
‘Studying in a time of pandemic – student feedback’
With its 2021 student survey, the Folkwang University of the Arts seeks to gain an even better understanding of the pandemic’s impact on tertiary study, and tackle the many challenges together. All students were invited to participate in the survey during the 2021 summer semester. It was conducted online, and focused on the topics of digital teaching, tertiary studies and everyday student life in a time of pandemic.
The students’ feedback is gradually being assessed by the Quality Development division and will be submitted to the university administration in a summary report at the start of the 2021/22 winter semester as a basis for making changes and improvements.
Insofar as response numbers permit, the feedback will be analysed in a manner specific to the respective subject groups and courses, and used for university and course development.
For further information, contact the Quality Development division.
Results of the Student survey 2021 (in German only)
2015 student survey
In 2015, all Folkwang students were invited to participate in a university-wide student survey on the topics of diversity, advisory services and studies. The project team from the first QPL phase developed a Folkwang-specific questionnaire for this.
The results were linked back to the faculties and additional topic-specific circles (director discussions, President’s Office meeting, advisors, etc.) through quality circles, which were then used to develop and implement measures for change.
Graduate surveys
Some aspects of study can only be assessed several years later, and this is particularly true for graduates from colleges of music and art. Graduate surveys are used to ask Folkwang graduates detailed questions about their studies and career, their professional success and their personal level of satisfaction (as an artist).
In 2018, Folkwang graduates from all courses were asked about their current situation and level of satisfaction with their lives for the first time. One to two years after graduating, 162 graduates from the classes of 2016 and 2017 (22%) participated in the surveys during the 2018 summer semester as part of the 2016 KOAB (co-operative project on graduate studies) and during the 2018/19 winter semester as part of the 2017 graduate panel. 44 alumni from the classes of 2010 to 2016 also participated in the 2016 KOAB.
A questionnaire specific to colleges of music and art was developed and used for Folkwang graduate surveys in co-operation with the Institute of Applied Statistics (ISTAT). This version of the questionnaire has been available ever since to all colleges of music and art for graduate surveys conducted as part of the KOAB / AP.
Its analysis of the results will see Folkwang lay further foundations for systematically developing quality in teaching and studies.
Results of the Graduate surveys (in German only)
Further information on the Folkwang graduate survey