
Teacher mobility (mobility for teaching purposes STA)

If you teach at the Folkwang University of the Arts and are planning a guest lectureship at a partner university in Europe for a short period of time, the ERASMUS+ program offers you a relatively uncomplicated opportunity to do so. In order to carry out a lecturer exchange within the framework of the ERASMUS+ program, it is necessary that the Folkwang University of the Arts has a bilateral agreement with the respective partner university in which a lecturer exchange is also agreed. Please contact the International Office to discuss with which universities such an exchange is possible.


Teaching stays within Europe last between two days and two months (excluding travel time); the teaching workload is at least eight hours per stay or per week or part thereof. The host university must send a letter of invitation. As usual, the business trip must be approved by the rector.

The following group of people can be funded, for example in the area of ST (STA and STT):

  • Lecturers who have a contractual relationship with the university
  • Lecturers without an endowment
  • Lecturers with work contracts
  • emeritus professors and retired lecturers
  • research assistants
  • Company personnel (incoming)

Benefits and grants

The ERASMUS+ program provides mobility grants for teaching periods abroad. The grant consists of a country-specific daily allowance and a distance-dependent travel allowance. Daily allowances can only be granted for travel days in exceptional cases. Depending on the budget and the applicant's situation, it is possible that only part of the stay will be funded.

The financial support for Erasmus+ mobilities for teaching purposes or for further training is based on the different costs of living in the target countries ("program countries"). Uniform daily rates apply for funding from German universities.

The funding rates can be found at

How to apply

Please apply in writing to the International Office with a brief description of your mobility project and your motivation (by January 5 for the following academic year). A teaching program (Mobility Agreement for Teaching) must be agreed with the host institution in good time before departure. This teaching program should include, among other things, the period of the guest teaching stay, the objectives and content of the courses as well as the number of teaching hours and the expected results.

Further information and advice

Here you will find a list of the Folkwang University of the Arts' cooperation partners

International cooperations
Visit us during our office hours at the International Office and find out more about the ERASMUS+ program.