Student mobility - Study abroad (SMS)
If you are a student at the Folkwang University of the Arts and would like to complete an exchange semester at a university within Europe, you can be funded within the framework of the ERASMUS+ program. To be eligible for a semester abroad under the ERASMUS+ program, the Folkwang University of the Arts must have a bilateral agreement with the respective partner university.
Aims of the scholarship
ERASMUS+ enables students within Europe to gain international experience in other countries and to further their linguistic, cultural and professional education. This experience is intended to increase your chances on the job market as a culturally educated, professionally qualified and internationally experienced academic. You should plan between one and two semesters for such a stay abroad. The ERASMUS+ program provides a grant for mobility.
Benefits and grants
ERASMUS+ students enjoy many benefits. For example, they do not pay tuition fees at the host university. They also receive a monthly partial grant; BAföG recipients also receive this partial grant.
The financial support for Erasmus+ student stays is based on the different costs of living in the destination countries ("program countries").
The funding rates can be found at
ERASMUS+ students are prepared for their stay abroad by the International Office and supported by the partner university in the host country. If you are studying at a partner university abroad for one or two semesters as part of the ERASMUS+ program, you must clarify in advance with your home university the possible recognition of the examinations you will take during your studies abroad and document this in the Learning Agreement. This binding confirmation of possible recognition by the home university with the signature of the examination board chairperson gives you planning security. However, the conclusion of the Learning Agreement is not linked to automatic recognition, as you are free to have the credits recognized or not after the end of your studies abroad. If you would like recognition, you must actively apply for recognition. The difference with the existence of a Learning Agreement is that you have the guarantee that your application will be approved, provided the necessary evidence has been submitted.
If you would like to spend a semester abroad, you should apply to the International Office. As the application deadlines of some host universities vary greatly, please come to the International Office in good time for an interview and plan your stay abroad well in advance (at least two semesters in advance). The International Office will clarify whether a contract already exists with the university of your choice.
1. Apply to the International Office for an ERASMUS+ scholarship by January 5 for the following academic year (October to September)
Application form for stays abroad
2. Prepare your complete application documents in good time and in accordance with the respective application deadlines and requirements of the partner university. As a rule, these are
- Application form/online application portal EASY or similar
- CV
- Portfolio (for designers) or audio/video files for music, dance, theater
- Transcript of records in English language
- If applicable, others depending on the requirements of the host university
Please apply for the transcripts of records at the examination offices in good time. The International Office will check your application and consult with the departments and lecturers.
As soon as the host university has decided on your exchange place, you will receive further information on dates, the welcome week and halls of residence in the host country.
Further information and advice
Here you will find a list of the Folkwang University of the Arts' cooperation partners
International cooperations
Visit us during our office hours at the International Office and find out more about the ERASMUS+ program.