
Student mobility - Internship abroad (SMP)

The Folkwang University of the Arts was awarded the Internship Charter in 2011 and since then has offered support for internships in other European countries; the International Office is your point of contact.

Please submit applications for funding for an internship abroad to the International Office (Campus Werden P 214 | Campus Quartier Nord) by January 5 for the following academic year.

> Application form for internships abroad

ERASMUS+ also funds internships for students in a host institution in another European country (EU institutions or institutions that administer EU programs as well as diplomatic representations of the students' countries of origin are excluded).

Students can gain work experience in an international environment.
In addition, they can expand their key qualifications such as communication and cooperation skills, openness and knowledge of other cultures and markets.

Students can receive funding for a compulsory internship or a voluntary internship of between two and twelve months.

Graduates can also receive funding for an Erasmus+ internship in another European country: This offer is valid within one year of completing a study phase (Bachelor's, Master's) and for a duration of 2 to 12 months. The prerequisite for funding is an application during the final year of the respective study phase. The funding is counted towards the quota of Erasmus+ months for the respective study phase. Graduates can be funded by Erasmus+ if they are exmatriculated during the internship and the internship is completed within 12 months of their graduation.

The funding rates can be found at

The program offers students the following benefits:

  • EU internship contract between the university, company and student
  • Support in preparing for the stay abroad
  • Support during the internship from a contact person at the home university
  • Recognition of work completed abroad