
Mobility for further education and training purposes (STT) - staff mobility

As a further supporting measure for the internationalization of universities, further education and training measures for university staff (teaching and administration) at European universities and at foreign companies/institutions are possible.

Stays abroad last a minimum of two days and a maximum of two months.

Who is eligible for funding?
STT can be used to support university staff from all areas, for example

  • General & technical administration
  • Library
  • Departments
  • Faculties
  • Finances
  • International Office
  • Public Relations
  • Student Advisory Service
  • Technology & Transfer
  • Continuing Education

What is supported?

  • Work shadowing
  • Job shadowing
  • Study visits
  • Participation in workshops and seminars
  • Participation in language courses

How can funding be provided?
The ERASMUS+ program provides mobility grants for the duration of the training abroad. The funding consists of a country-specific daily allowance and a travel allowance depending on the distance. Per diems can only be granted for travel days in exceptional cases. Depending on the budget and applicant situation, it is possible that only part of the stay will be funded.

The funding rates can be found at

Please submit your application in writing with a brief description of your mobility project and your motivation to the International Office by January 5 at the latest for the following academic year (October to September). A work program (Mobility Agreement for Training) must be agreed with the host institution in good time before your departure. This work program should include, among other things, the purpose and objectives of the training, the activities and expected results as well as the duration.