
Scholarships at the Folkwang University of the Arts

The Folkwang University of the Arts awards scholarships to particularly talented students of all semesters and courses of study. Depending on the scholarship program, the calls for applications run in November/December for the summer semester and in May/June for the winter semester.

We would like to thank all sponsors, foundations and associations for their generous commitment. If you are also interested in supporting our young artistic, scientific and pedagogical talent, please contact Elina Thier. We are happy to receive one-off donations as well as regular donations.


Other scholarship programs

Public scholarship providers support first degree students throughout Germany. Folkwang students can obtain information from Elina Thier in the University Development Office, by e-mail to foerderung(at) Further advice is available from liaison lecturers at the respective foundations.



The Cusanuswerk offers its scholarship holders extensive financial and non-material support. The financial support consists of a monthly scholarship and a monthly lump sum for study costs or a lump sum for research costs. Family and childcare allowances can be added. The Cusanuswerk also supports study visits, internships and language courses abroad for its scholarship holders.


Contact person:


Prof. Gisela Bullacher
Phone: +49 (0) 201_6505-1502

Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for Freedom

The Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for Freedom awards study and doctoral scholarships to German and foreign students and doctoral candidates. Application procedures are carried out twice a year. Material and non-material support are of equal importance. Scholarships, a lump sum for study costs and allowances for study abroad ensure the material framework conditions. Participation in educational activities, active commitment to the scholarship holders and the introduction of ideas and contributions to the foundation's work bring the non-material support to life.


Contact person:


Prof. Dr. Andreas Jacob
Phone: +49 (0) 201_4903100

PE-Förderungen für Studierende der Musik e.V.

The non-profit association enables music students to have their own instrument at an early stage of their career, which does not have to be returned to a lender after they have completed their studies. PE-Förderungen also provides financial support for CD productions, video recordings and special projects (e.g. a year studying abroad).
In addition, the association supports its scholarship holders with grants for individual measures of musical development (e.g. master classes or participation in competitions).

Contact person:


Matthias Diener

Email: matthias.diener(at)


Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes e.V.

The Studienstiftung supports students whose ability, initiative and sense of responsibility are above average for their age group. Students are nominated for admission to the Studienstiftung by teachers. Scholarship holders receive, among other things, financial support of at least 300 euros per month. At the Folkwang University of the Arts, students are supported in the fields of music, design and performing arts.

Contact person for the Department of Design:
Prof. Gisela Bullacher

Phone: +49 (0) 201_6505-1502

Contact person for the Department of Music:

Prof. Thomas Günther

Phone: +49 (0) 201_466325

Contact person for the performing arts:

Gabriele Wurl

Phone: +49 (0) 201_4903119