
Part-time studies

Since the 2015/16 winter semester, Folkwang University of the Arts has offered the option of part-time study for some of its full-time degree courses in accordance with Enrolment Regulations No. 257 §1 (7) and § 54a Para. 2-4 KunstHG. No part-time study model is specified, but an individualized standard period of study is agreed with you. This makes it easier for students with family and/or work commitments, illnesses or disabilities to combine their studies with everyday life. You can find an overview of the part-time study programs here.

There are also degree programs at the Folkwang University of the Arts that have been designed as part-time programs or with a fixed part-time option:

M.Mus. Conducting Vocal Ensembles with the part-time specialization in Conducting Children's and Youth Choirs

B.A. Musicology in combination with a scientific subject (two-subject Bachelor, cooperation model University of Duisburg-Essen)

M.A. Musicology (single-subject program)

Reasons for part-time studies

  • Maternity/parental leave
  • Childcare
  • Caring for relatives
  • Employment
  • Disability/chronic illness

The Student Affairs staff must be informed immediately if an important reason no longer applies.

Submitting an application

For first-year students

  • You apply for a study place in the regular procedure.
  • After a successful application and acceptance of a study place, you will have a consultation with a subject representative, submit proof of the reason and agree on an individualized standard period of study.

For students

  • Within the re-registration period, submit an application to Student Affairs or the Dean's Office to switch to part-time/full-time studies.
  • When changing to part-time studies: You will then have a consultation with a subject representative and agree on an individualized standard period of study.

Special features of part-time studies & effects of part-time student status

There are some special features of part-time study that you should definitely consider before applying. Part-time student status can have an impact on BAföG, health insurance, child benefit and residence permits, for example.

Further details can be found below:

Course organization

Part-time students take part in regular courses together with full-time students, but with a reduced time commitment (fewer courses per semester), i.e. no separate courses are offered for part-time students in the evenings, at weekends or as block courses. Part-time study is therefore not the same as part-time study. Please also note that part-time study in the design degree programs is excluded for the semester in which the final project is planned.

Parallel or double degree course

Parallel or double study is not possible in part-time form.

Health insurance

Whether or not you can take out student health insurance as a part-time student depends on the extent to which you are working alongside your studies, the percentage of a full-time course you are studying and how old you are. (Part-time) students over the age of 30 are not eligible for student health insurance.

Switching from full-time to part-time study

It is possible to switch from full-time to part-time study and vice versa on a semester-by-semester basis. You can find information on how to apply above.

Semester fee

The semester fee is also payable in full during part-time studies. See also the contribution regulations of the Studentenwerk Essen - Duisburg (§ 4, 1) and the contribution regulations of the Akademisches Förderungswerk (Bochum) § 4, 1.


Part-time students are not entitled to BAföG support(§ 2 para. 5 BAföG).


Even if BAföG is not an option for part-time students, you should not be deterred from studying part-time. There are also some scholarship programs for part-time students. At the Folkwang University of the Arts, for example, you can apply for the Deutschlandstipendium. The BMBF career advancement scholarship, which supports skilled workers with vocational training during their first degree, also supports part-time study if it is part-time.

Child benefit

There is no categorical exclusion here as with BAföG, so the entitlement does not expire solely because of part-time work, but possibly because of the amount of additional earnings.

Residence permit

In the case of a residence permit for study purposes, it must be proven that the main purpose of the stay is to study. This is questioned by the immigration authorities in the case of part-time study if you are not studying part-time for personal reasons, such as family obligations or a chronic illness or disability. If you cannot provide any personal reasons for studying part-time, you are advised not to switch to part-time study, as you will otherwise jeopardize your residence permit.


The points listed above show that it is advisable to first take a thorough look at your personal situation. If you have any general questions about part-time study, please contact the Central Student Advisory Service.