Welcome to the International Office. The International Office of Folkwang University of the Arts is the correct point of contact if you wish to study abroad for one or two semesters or if you plan an internship in an European country. We advise students, PhD candidates, teachers and staff of the Folkwang University of the Arts on international studies, internships and exchanges as well as possible sponsorships and grants, such as the PROMOS- und ERASMUS+-programme within Europe. We will be glad to inform you about the Folkwang partner universities and co-operations of the different faculties.
Outgoing Students
Go Out!
the in-house deadline for exchange applications for the next academic year is getting nearer!
To inform you about all possible options, the International Office is hosting two information events. Here you learn everything important about the exchanges and have the opportunity to ask your questions:
Information event No. 1
When? Wed. 06.11.2024 6.00 pm
Where? Kammermusiksaal – Campus Werden
Information event No. 2
When? Tue. 12.11.2024 6.00 pm
Where Seminarraum 1.51a – Quartier Nord
The application deadline for Folkwang students wishing to study abroad at one of our many partner universities during the following academic year (October to September) is January 5th. Please submit your initial application to the International Office.
The final application to the host university will be submitted via the International Office of Folkwang University of the Arts in accordance with the specific application deadlines of the host university.
More information can be found here.
Folkwang students who plan an internship abroad during the next Academic Year (October until September) notify the International Office by 5th January.
Study Abroad
Partner universities of the Folkwang University of the Arts
Incoming Students
We look forward to welcoming exchange students who are enrolled at a partner university to the Folkwang University of the Arts for one or two semesters. We are happy to respond to any queries with regard to your application.