
Teaching staff of the Folkwang University of the Arts

Here you can find a list of teachers at the Folkwang University of the Arts, from A to Z, from every department: music, theater, design and academic studies. On the right you can select a teacher or a subject or search in the full text.

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Ana-Maria Dafova

Voice | Music Theatre


_Teacher for special tasks | Faculty Equal Opportunity Representative Fac. 3

Maria Del Mar

Institute of Contemporary Dance

International types of dance, Flamenco


+49 (0) 151-17 838 448 und +49 (0) 201_6505-1402 (Büro Dekanat)

Prof. Marion Digel

Industrial Design

Foundations and Basic Design 3D

_Faculty Equal Opportunity Representative Fac. 4


+49 (0) 201_6505-1405


+49 (0) 201_4903-227

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