Configuration / Downloads
For the installation you need an active internet connection and then follow the instructions on or you can use the available app for android smartphones from the Google Playstore or Amazon App Store.
WLAN eduroam with Android 11:
With Android 11 you have to use the geteduroam App. Older versions of Android can also use cateduroam.
If you did an upate from older versions to android 11, you have to delete the app cateduroam and delete the wlan eduroam from the list of saved wlans. After that you can install the geteduroam app:
App installation
1. Download and install the App getedruoam from google playstore:
App configuration:
2. Open the app and search for "Folkwang Universität der Künste" :
3. Now you need your personal credentials.
Password: Folkwang Password
Then click on "Connect to Network".
4. The configuration is done and you can connect to wifi Eduroam.