
Care Space Month 2024
Design: Louisa Kron

Care Space Month


Against Racism and anti-Semitism:
4 workshops at Folkwang
(for students)





Collective Care Space

“The Collective Care Space” is about international students coming together in a caring space. There will be two workshops, in which students can experience support and exchange their experiences / questions and worries as international students. What can we do to keep ourselves mentally healthy? How can we deal with discrimination and feel empowered? How can we practice supporting and caring for ourselves and each other? These are some of the questions we will work on in the workshops, in a relaxed atmosphere.
In the workshops we will talk to each other, learn new healthy strategies and do exercises for reflecting on ourselves and also for relaxation.
The workshops will be taught by Safiya Yon. She is a social artist and specialist for mental health. As someone with an international background herself, she knows how difficult it can be, being new to Germany and is passionate about supporting other students with international backgrounds. It is for this reason, she aims to create safe spaces of collective care, in which international and BIPoC students can feel seen, heard and supported.

Fr. 25.10. / 14:30-18:30 / S104 (Campus Essen-Werden)
Fr. 22.11. / 14:30-18:30 / S102 (Campus Essen-Werden)

The applicazion takes place via the Folkwang Organizer.
You will receive 1 CP for participation.

Basic workshops on anti-Semitism

Basic workshop on the topic of "Understanding, recognizing and naming anti-Semitism"
Today's forms of anti-Semitism often express themselves in a roundabout way: in statements that distort history, in hatred of Israel, in abbreviated criticism of elites and capitalism or conspiracy narratives. It is not always easy to recognize the anti-Semitic core of statements, contributions or images. During the workshop, various current manifestations of anti-Semitism will be presented. By working on specific examples, participants will learn to recognize and adequately classify anti-Semitic images and narratives. There are two dates to choose from for this workshop.

Thu. 07.11. / 09:00-13:00 / Online
Fri. 08.11. / 14:00-18:00 / Presence

To register, please send an e-mail from your Folkwang account to by 30.10.2024, stating your name, degree program and matriculation number. Please also let us know which workshops you would like to attend on which date.
Participation is free of charge.