Illustration: Louisa Kron
Mehrere Paare von illustrierten Personen in verschiedenen Posen


Faculty Equal Opportunity Representatives

The Faculty Equal Opportunity Representatives work towards their faculty’s fulfillment of the legal equal opportunity mandate. They support the central Equal Opportunity Representative with expertise in their respective areas, accompany job filling and appointment procedures, contribute to the Faculty Gender Equality Plans and take on advisory functions in the event of a violation of personal rights as defined by the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG).

Are you interested in equal opportunity policy at the university and would like to become involved in your department as an Equal Opportunity Representative? Then register with the Central Equal Opportunity Representative.

Faculty 1

Eva Buchmann

_Jazz | Jazz vocals
_Teacher for special tasks
_Faculty: 2





Faculty 2

Eva Buchmann

_Jazz | Jazz vocals
_Teacher for special tasks
_Faculty: 2





Faculty 3

Eva Buchmann

_Jazz | Jazz vocals
_Teacher for special tasks
_Faculty: 2





Faculty 4

Eva Buchmann

_Jazz | Jazz vocals
_Teacher for special tasks
_Faculty: 2
