Academic Studies

Teachers of the
department of Academic Studies

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+49 (0)201_6505-1533

Lea Reck

Art & Design Science

_Research Assistant

Ken Richter

Music Theory, Tonsatz | Analyse | Gehörbildung

_Teacher for special tasks


+49 (0) 2054_9384248

Prof. Dr. phil. Matthias Sakel

Instrumental training | Piano

Teaching Didactics Piano

_Gifted education programme

_folkwang junior – Institute for the Promotion of Young Artistic Excellence

_Executive board


+49 (0) 201 4903-159 | +49 (0) 171_2 70 14 72


+49 (0) 170_63 03 73 7

Dr. Daniela Schwarz OStR' i. H.

Teaching Didactics, Music pedagogy

_'Initiative on the psychology of artistic creation'
_Lecturer of the artistic subject piano
_Faculty Equal Opportunity Representative Fac. 2


+49 (0) 201_6505-1539

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