First Folkwang Gregorian Chant Festival on May 21 & 22
Organized by the Institute for Gregorian Chant at Folkwang University in cooperation with EUREGIO Gregorian Chant
The annual International Summer Courses in Gregorian Chant have long been successfully established at the Folkwang University of the Arts. Now a new festival is starting in Essen-Werden in May 2011: The Gregorian Chant Festival, organized by the Folkwang Institute for Gregorian Chant under the direction of Prof. Dr. Stefan Klöckner in cooperation with EUREGIO Gregorian Chant. EUREGIO Gregorianik is a cooperation project between the Folkwang University of the Arts, the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, Netherlands, and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
The first Gregorian Festival will take place on May 21 and 22 under the motto "Gregorian and Organ" in the Basilica of St. Ludgerus, the Church of St. Lucius and the Protestant Church of Essen-Werden.
The program includes workshops, church services and concerts by renowned organists and professional scholas - including the ensemble officium, the Schola Maastricht, the Begijnhofschola and the ensemble VOX WERDENSIS, the schola of the Folkwang University of the Arts. The festival also gives amateur scholas the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in public concerts. Workshops will also be held on both days: on improvisation with Prof. Thierry Mechler on May 21, on choral accompaniment with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bretschneider on May 22 and on organ literature with Gregorian themes under the direction of Folkwang Professor Roland Maria Stangier - also on May 22.
Active participation in one of the workshops is only possible after prior registration (via the Institute for Gregorian Chant) - interested listeners are very tickets for the festival, which include all concerts and workshops, cost 15 euros, for both days 25 euros. Scholars pay 50 euros per day. All further information on the exact program of events and registration is available from the Institute for Gregorian Chant, by telephone on 0201 4903 301 or by e-mail: gregorianik(at) Day and school tickets are available in advance from the Institute and on the two days of the event from the festival office at Abteistraße 20 in Essen-Werden. All concerts are open to the public - tickets costing 10 euros (5 euros reduced) or 5 euros (3 euros reduced) are available by telephone on 0201 4903 231 or by e-mail at karten(at)
The program in detail:
Saturday, May 21, 2011
10.30 hrs | St. Ludgerus
Opening of the 1st Gregorian Chant Festival
11.00 to 13.00 hrs | Protestant Church Essen-Werden
Workshop: Improvisation with Prof. Thierry Mechler
11 a.m. to 2 p.m. | St. Lucius
Short concerts by the participating schools
14.30 hrs | St. Ludgerus
Concert: ensemble officium (cond. Winfried Rombach)
Admission 5 euros or 3 euros reduced
5 p.m. | Evangelical Church Essen-Werden
Protestant vesper service: EKD Chairman President Nikolaus Schneider,
Ensemble Officium (cond. Winfried Rombach), Prof. Roland Maria Stangier, organ
8 p.m. | St. Ludgerus
ensemble VOX WERDENSIS (cond. Prof. Dr. Stefan Klöckner), Prof. Thierry Mechler, organ Admission 10 euros or 5 euros concessions
Sunday, May 22, 2011
9.30 hrs | St. Ludgerus
Pontifical mass: Bishop Dr. Franz-Josef Overbeck, Begijnhofschola (cond. Marie-Louise Egbers),
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bretschneider, organ
11.30 to 13.00 hrs | Protestant Church Essen-Werden
Workshop: Choral accompaniment with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bretschneider
13.00 a.m. | St. Ludgerus
Concert: Begijnhofschola (cond. Marie-Louise Egbers), Anton van Kalmthout, organ
Admission 5 euros or 3 euros reduced
12.30 to 15 hrs | St. Lucius
Short concerts by the participating amateur choirs
1 p.m. to 3 p.m. | Essen-Werden Protestant Church
Workshop: Organ literature with Gregorian themes with Prof. Roland Maria Stangier
3 p.m. | St. Ludgerus
Concert: Schola Maastricht (cond. Hans Heykers), Prof. Sieglinde Ahrens, organ
Admission 10 euros or 5 euros reduced
16.30 hrs | St. Ludgerus