Tasks for the purpose of determining artistic aptitude
The qualifying examination for the study course specified above consists of the following elements:
a. Ensemble direction – producing a prepared work selected by the candidate (taking into account aspects of the ensemble-specific choral vocal training), conducting an unprepared work (altogether approx 20 minutes). Please bring enough copies for the choir with you.
b. Voice – presenting 3 pieces from different epochs, one of which unaccompanied. Sight-singing of a demanding choral part (altogether approx. 15 minutes).
c. Keyboard instrument – three pieces of literature of intermediate difficulty (including one work by J.S. Bach), a score playing task of intermediate difficulty (with one hour to prepare for) and a piano piece (extract) as well as a simple prima vista score playing task, as required.
d. If required, a colloquium may also be held. This, however, will not be marked.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.