Academic Studies

Musicology degree program - Bachelor and Licence

Bilingual musicology degree program in cooperation with the Université de Tours

Since the winter semester 2013|14, the Folkwang University of the Arts has been offering a bilingual musicology course in cooperation with the Université de Tours, the only one of its kind in Germany. Its uniqueness lies in the bilingual education of French and German students throughout and the subject-specific teaching of intercultural skills that prepare graduates for the European job market.

The three-year course begins with the first year of study in Tours and continues in the second year in Essen. The third year can be taken either in Tours or in Essen, depending on the focus of study and the intended career orientation. In any case, graduates receive the German Bachelor of Arts and the French Licence des Arts et Sciences humaines. This qualifies them, for example, for administrative work in cultural institutions in the theater and music sector as well as for a Master's degree in applied or research-oriented musicology. In France, it is also possible to follow the Master's phase of the "CAPES", the French state examination for secondary school teachers.

The course is supported by the international umbrella organization Deutsch-Französische Hochschule (DFH/UFA), including a mobility allowance of currently €350 per month during the semesters abroad (during the lecture period).

The curriculum also includes practical artistic subjects, although a major artistic subject is not part of the course. Please contact the Student Advisory Service at dfh-muwi(at) if you would like to combine studying Franco-German musicology with teaching a major artistic subject.


Dates & deadlines

  • The application for the aptitude test is possible until March 15 for the coming winter semester (alternatively, it is also possible to apply to the Université de Tours via the French platform "Parcoursup"; deadlines vary from year to year)
  • The aptitude test takes place in Essen at the end of May/beginning of June
  • If admitted: Enrollment at the Folkwang University of the Arts, the Université de Tours and the Franco-German University (DFH/UFA)
  • Enrollment in Essen: End of September
  • Enrollment in Tours: August/September
  • Enrollment at the Franco-German University: 02.05.-30.09.
  • Start of the winter semester: in Essen October 1st, in Tours beginning of September