Music of the Middle Ages – Master of Music
The course "Music of the Middle Ages" (theory and practice) has had a long tradition at the Folkwang University of the Arts: Venturing quite far back in time, we can first encounter the ‘Study of Polyphony’ (Musica et Scolica enchiriadis, around 900 A.D.) offered at Werden Monastery.
In the context of church music training, a full-time chair for "Gregorian Music and Liturgical Studies" was created in 1981, from which the Gregorian chant has established itself in Essen with international renown.
Following the cancellation of the degree course "Church Music" we will therefore continue to offer a church music area of study within the scope of the Master degree course "Music of the Middle Ages".
Summer courses Gregorian MusicEUREGIO Gregorian Music
The Master of Music "Music of the Middle Ages" covers four semesters. Students may begin their studies in either the winter or the summer semester. Prerequisites for acceptance into the course are a degree in music or musicology (Bachelor’s degree or equivalent) and evidence of artistic aptitude in the chosen area of concentration (vocal or instrumental). The language of instruction is German.
Course content
Each of the four semesters is devoted to a project culminating in a performance.
1st Semester: Gregorian chant and early polyphony
2nd Semester: Ars antiqua / Music of the Notre Dame school
3rd Semester: Music of the Troubadours and Trouvères and Minnesang
4th Semester: Master’s project
In addition to practical ensemble work (supervised by all of the instructors), the course covers theory, source studies, liturgical history and Latin psalmody.