Fotos: Heike Kandalowski
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Movement Notation / Movement Analysis (M.A. Dance Composition)

The course in Movement Notation / Movement Analysis (M.A. Dance Composition) focuses on methods of analyzing and transcribing movement, on a practical as well as on a theoretical and historical level. Basic knowledge in the system of Kinetography Labanotation/Labanotation or another notation system such as Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation will be extended and deepened. Recent developments in technology and new media will be included to enable students to do independent work in the documentary and reconstructional area but also to allow them to pursue a creative and analytical direction.

Kinetography Laban/Labanotation represents an interface between theory and practice in the dance training at Folkwang University of the Arts, and is also an interface between tradition and innovation. The origins of this notation system are closely interwoven with the history of the Folkwang’s Dance course. Recently, this tradition of dance notation is under challenge from new possibilities for the visual and digital representation of movement. New technology-based visualization techniques are giving rise to new analytical and creative potentials that may be integrated with the traditional movement analysis of dance notation.

Contents of studies

In addition to the majors Notation and Movement Analysis the studies comprise dance techniques, hospitation and additional theoretical subjects.

Prerequisites for admission:

Details on requirements for admission may be found here.

It is strongly recommended that intending students consult with the Institute of Contemporary Dance before applying to take the qualifying examination.
