By logging in to the Folkwang Intranet, I agree with the following conditions:
§ 1
I will only login and use the service in my own name. Anonymous posts, aliases or pseudonyms are not permitted in the Folkwang Intranet.
§ 2
I am not permitted to disclose my access data to third parties, and am further not permitted to publish or distribute the information, posts, files and personal data of other authors without their prior permission.
§ 3
Every user is represented with a personal profile on the intranet. With logging in to the system I, being a member of the teaching staff or the administration, agree to the publication of my information on the intranet.
All information provided by members of the teaching staff and other personnel for our internet pages will be applied to their intranet profile, and will be freely accessible there. This information can only be changed for both systems by the editorial office in charge of the website. The addition of further information is optional.
As a student, I will have to confirm my agreement or dissent for the publication of my profile information at initial login. This status can be changed in the personal profile.
For students, information regarding name, faculty, course of study, major, Folkwang email address and the current semester of study is imported automatically. With the initial permission and agreement, name, faculty, course of study, major and the student's Folkwang email address are published. The information on the semester of study is used for internal system functions and is not being published. The addition of further information is optional.
In case of disagreement, the user will not have access to all system functions:
The user cannot become part of a ‘Group’, i.e. he/she cannot actively participate in the group platform.
He/she will not be listed in the database of individuals, and can therefore not be found by other users of the intranet.
The exception here are posts in the forum and the marketplace: These will always be labelled with the name of the poster.
§ 4
I acknowledge that it is not permitted to publish or place links to content with insulting, defamatory, threatening or any other unlawful comments in the Folkwang intranet.
As a user, I am at all times required to comply with legal requirements (e.g. criminal law, the protection of minors, trademark law, copyright law, unfair competition, etc. - for more information please visit www.gesetze-im-internet.de).
The use of the intranet for commercial purposes or marketing is not permitted.
§ 5
The Folkwang Intranet Team will delete all posts that breach criminal or press laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, and/or public morality/etiquette, and which are in breach of the conditions set out in §4.
These include specifically:
_insulting and offending behaviour and the abuse of other users
_unlawful content, which may be damaging to others or which serve illegal purposes
_propaganda for unconstitutional organisations
The Folkwang Intranet Team is furthermore authorised to issue warnings to users, and will reserve the right to take additional steps, where users show non-compliance with the requirements set out in §4 or §5. In this context, we specifically point out that the assessment of a situation leading to the deletion or suspension of a user account is solely at the discretion of the Folkwang Intranet Team. The same applies for persons authorised by the team.
§ 6
Communication in the forums occurs in real time and is published directly by the user. Despite best efforts to monitor all public areas, a continuous policing of all chat rooms cannot be guaranteed. The responsibility for content transmitted under the respective login lies with the individual user. Any download or other reception of content in connection with the Folkwang Intranet offering is at the risk of the user.
§ 7
I was informed in acc. with § 33 BDSG of the fact that all information supplied by me as part of the registration process and the IP address captured during login will be saved by way of an automated process.
I have read and accepted the privacy policy of Folkwang University of the Arts.
§ 8
The author provides Folkwang University of the Arts with the non-rescindable right, unlimited in terms of location and time, to access content and images published on the pages of the Folkwang Intranet. The intellectual rights regarding text and images remain with the author. A right to deletion with regards to Folkwang University stored data does not exist. Forum posts can be deleted by the author him/herself. The posts and images will be stored for an indefinite period of time and will be accessible to any visitor of the page. Following the publication of text and image posts, Folkwang University of the Arts does not accept any liability for unwanted, and in §2 disallowed copying by third parties.