
Marina Abramović persönlich:

Resümee zur ersten Workshop-Phase und Ausblick auf 2023

„For the first working phase, my intention with the 26 students of the Free Interdisciplinary Performance Lab was to generate as much of their own personal material as possible.

The students created concepts for group performances and solo long durational performances. Both concepts were performed, with the solo works realized in groups of 4-6, in slots of 1 hour. The class immediately discussed the work after performing. We also made performances on video, where they had to use only their heads as material.

Foto: Ursula Kaufmann


I am very happy to announce that the Museum Folkwang will give us substantial space to show long durational work during the last working block. The performances will happen continuously for 10 days, 6 hours each day. For me, this is a very big achievement as it will be the first time the university and the museum will collaborate on this scale.

For my method of teaching, it is very important to expose students in the very early stage to real professional working contexts and to real audiences.

In the coming working phases, they will have to learn how to make performance proposals, draft budgets, document works, write about their work, and create exhibition catalogues all while working with the infrastructure of the museum.

My impression of the group:
They are highly motivated.
They are talented.
They have a strong working habit.

Many of them did not know each other because they came from such different disciplines that include physical theatre, classical music, acting, electronic composition, photography, dance, opera, and more. This created an interesting mix. Already in the first ten days, I noticed their bonding, not just in the classroom, but also socially, which gives me the impression that collaboration between them will be successful, inventive, and original.

It is an honor to be the first teacher appointed to the Pina Bausch Professorship, and it is truly a joyful experience to return to teaching again.”



> The Artist Was Present - Resonanz und Medienecho der ersten 10 Tage mit Marina Abramović an Folkwang


Marina Abramović / 24. November 2022