Artichoke in the Silver Lake    

The sound of a Hammond organ. Colourful costumes. Dancing. Henrietta Horn used simple ingredients for her latest piece. Mixed together, they make a sparkling revue: Light-hearted, fresh, tinged by a slight touch of melancholia and the memories of the playful afternoons of childhood.

In Henrietta Horn’s choreography, the borders between human beings, mythical creatures and animals are blurred. Somewhere between jazz and samba rhythms, in a space without time, creatures meet to dance - and to give themselves up without reserve to a game with shapes, colours and music.

„Artischocke im Silbersee” is a wondrous wildlife preserve for bizarre silhouettes and stranded angels. Part fun fair, part star gala. Plus a bit of Rio.
It makes you want to jump on stage and be part of it all. But at the last second you realize: Impossible. Wrong clothes.

„There can be no doubt that „Artischocke im Silbersee” is Henrietta Horn’s most relaxed piece so far: sketched lightly and ironically into a dreamlike set that reminds us of the Arabian Nights: half oriental, half Harun al-Rashids sea of stories.”
(Jochen Schmidt, ballettanz 11. 2004)

„An airy something, dreamed with eleven extravagant figures in haute couture gear whose dancing enchants us. A tipsy Horn who simply wants to entertain us this time.”
(Bettina Trouwborst, K.WEST 11.2004)